pro mcerror,x,y,a,erru,errl,ysig=ysig,freeze=freeze,algo=algo,$ verbose=verbose,erra=erra,yfunc=yfunc,mpfunc=mpfunc,$ mciter=mciter,mcconf=mcconf,mcsims=mcsims, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure mcerror ; procedure that estimates confidence bounds for model fits by ; fitting to different monte-carlo realizations of the data and ; estimating the bounds from the distribution of the resulting ; parameter values. ; ; generates NN number of synthetic data sets by randomly varying ; each data point within its estimated error. fits these NN ; synthetic data sets to generate parameter sets a(1),a(2),..a(NN), ; so that we can estimate distribution of a(x)-a(best). Uses this ; as a basis for confidence bound estimation. Finds smallest possible ; bounds giving required confidence (as opposed to 'counting' up ; and down from best fit by required fraction) ; ;syntax ; mcerror,x,y,a,erru,errl,ysig=ysig,freeze=freeze,mcfuncs=mpfuncs,$ ; algo=algo,verbose=verbose, erra=erra,yfunc=yfunc,mciter=mciter,$ ; itmax,chitr=chitr,mcconf=mcconf,/dumb, jumpup=jumpup,jumpdn=jumpdn,$ ; =svdthr,funcs=funcs, function_name=function_name,$ ; ype, missing=missing,/fwhm,/norm,betap=betap, /poisson ; ;parameters ; x [INPUT; required] data points ; y [INPUT; required] Y(X) ; * sizes of X and Y must match ; a [I/O; required] parameters for user-supplied function ; * on input, these are assumed to be initial guesses ; * on output, these contain the best-fit values ; erru [OUTPUT; required] upper limits of confidence range interval ; errl [OUTPUT] lower limits of confidence range interval ; * if ERRL is not specified on input, ERRU will contain the ; average value of the upper and lower >>deviations<<. ; ;keywords ; ysig [INPUT] standard deviations on Y ; * default=sqrt(abs(Y)+0.75)+1 ; * if single element, then sig(Y[*])=YSIG(0) ; * if -ve, taken to be the fractional error ; mciter [INPUT] number of additional iterations for each parameter: ; total iterations = (mciter x number of parameters) > 2xmciter+1 ; default: mciter=30 ; mcconf [INPUT] (two-sided) confidence for bound estimation, ; default: mpfunc =0.68 ; mcsims [OUTPUT] 2 dimensional array MCSIMS==MCSIMS(free,sims) ; where free are the number of thawed paramters and sims ; is the number of simulations. contains all simulations ; on output ; mpfunc [INPUT] contains name of input function to fit ; REQUIRED WHEN USING MPFIT ; freeze [INPUT] freeze numbered parameters (index starts from 0!) ; algo [INPUT] fitting algorithm ; * only the following are implemented: ; -- LevMarq+SVD ; -- IDL-Curvefit ; -- Mardkwardt's MPFIT ; verbose [INPUT] verbosity level ; erra [OUTPUT] formal "curvature" errors on the best-fit parameters ; yfunc [OUTPUT] best-fit Y(X;A) ; _extra [INPUT] pass defined variables to subroutines:- ; FIT_LEVMAR: ITMAX, CHITHR, DUMB ; ADJUSTIE: TIES, VNAME ; LEVMARQ: JUMPUP, JUMPDN, SVDTHR ; LMCOEFF: FUNCS, POISSON ; CURVE_FIT: FUNCTION_NAME ; note:- FUNCS, FUNCTION_NAME, and MPFUNC refer to name ; of user-defined function that takes as input X ; and A, and returns YMODEL(X;A), and the partial ; derivatives of the model function wrt A. Any ; function that was written to work with CURVEFIT ; or GHRS' WFIT will do. ; The default for FIT_LEVMAR is X3MODEL. ; MK_3MODEL: TYPE ; MK_GAUSS: MISSING, FWHM, NORM ; MK_LORENTZ: BETAP, MISSING, NORM ; ;history ; Liwei Lin (Apr03) idenentical to in input/output/parameter checks ; added keyword MPFUNC for compatability with MPFIT ; added keyword MCCONF so user can toggle confidence required ; BUG FIX, mcerror not mcerors LL/SC JUL03 ; BUG FIX, yfunc was being recursivly overwritten in ; synthetic loop LL/SC JUL03 ; added forward_function (VK; Jul03) ; some cosmetic changes (VK; Feb04) ; added MCSIMS (LL; Mar04) ; BUG FIX algo keyword incorrectly processed (LL ; Sep05) ;- forward_function mpfit,mpfitfun ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & nx=n_elements(x) & ny=n_elements(y) & na=n_elements(a) if np lt 4 then ok='insufficient parameters' else $ if nx eq 0 then ok='Input X undefined' else $ if ny eq 0 then ok='Input Y undefined' else $ if nx eq 1 then ok='Input not an array?' else $ if nx ne ny then ok='X and Y(X) not compatible' else $ if na eq 0 then ok='model parameters undefined' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: mcerror,x,y,a,erru,errl,ysig=ysig,freeze=freeze,mciter=mciter,$' print,' algo=algo,verbose=verbose,erra=erra,yfunc=yfunc,$' print,' ,chithr=chithr, itmax = itmax,mcconf=mcconf,/dumb,mpfunc=mpfunc,$' print,' jumpup=jumpup,jumpdn=jumpdn,svdthr=svdthr,$' print,' funcs=funcs, function_name=function_name,$' print,' type=type, missing=missing,/fwhm,/norm,betap=betap,/poisson' print,' compute error bars on fit parameters' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/info return endif aN1=a ; inputs ; VERBOSE v=0 & if keyword_set(verbose) then v=long(verbose(0)) > 1 ; YSIG sigy=sqrt(abs(y)+0.75)+1. & nys=n_elements(ysig) if nys eq ny then sigy=ysig else begin ;default is Poisson if nys eq 1 then sigy(*)=ysig(0) ;constant endelse om=where(sigy lt 0,mom) if mom gt 0 then sigy(om)=y(om)*abs(sigy(om)) ;fractional ywt=sigy & ow=where(ywt gt 0,mow) & if mow gt 0 then ywt(ow)=1./ywt(ow) ; FREEZE ifit=intarr(na)+1 & nf=n_elements(freeze) ;default is fit all if nf gt 0 then begin if freeze(0) eq -1 then nf=0 else begin ;ignore keyword if nf gt na then ifit=intarr(na) else ifit(long(freeze))=0 ;as aprop endelse endif ; ALGO algo_type='LevMarq+SVD' ;default algval=['LevMarq','Curvefit','MPFIT','tifsrhg'] ; if keyword_set(algo) then fitalgo=strtrim(algo(0),2) else fitalgo=algo_type i0=-1L i00=strpos(strlowcase(fitalgo),'lev',0) & i0 = i0 > i00 i01=strpos(strlowcase(fitalgo),'mar',0) & i0 = i0 > i01 i02=strpos(strlowcase(fitalgo),'lm',0) & i0 = i0 > i02 i03=strpos(strlowcase(fitalgo),'svd',0) & i0 = i0 > i03 i10=strpos(strlowcase(fitalgo),'idl',0) & i0 = i0 > i10 i11=strpos(strlowcase(fitalgo),'curve',0) & i0 = i0 > i11 i12=strpos(strlowcase(fitalgo),'mpfit',0) & i0 = i0 > i12 if i00 ge 0 or i01 ge 0 or i02 ge 0 or i03 ge 0 then algo_type='LevMarq+SVD' if i10 ge 0 or i11 ge 0 then algo_type='IDL-Curvefit' if i12 ge 0 then algo_type ='MPFIT' if algo_type eq 'IDL-Curvefit' and nf ne 0 then begin message,algo_type+' does not understand parameter freezing',/info endif if i0 lt 0 then message,$ fitalgo+': not understood. reverting to '+algo_type,/info if v ge 1 then message,'using fitting algorithm: '+algo_type,/info ; get the best-fit if algo_type eq 'LevMarq+SVD' then fit_levmar,x,y,$ a,yfunc,freeze=freeze,erra=erra,chisq=chisq,sig=sigy, _extra=e if algo_type eq 'IDL-Curvefit' then yfunc=curve_fit(x,y,ywt,a,erra,chisq=chisq, _extra=e) if algo_type eq 'MPFIT' then begin if keyword_set(mpfunc) then userfuncs=mpfunc else begin message, 'mpfunc keyword required for mcerror calculation with MPFIT',/info return ;(VK: WAS quit) endelse if v ge 5 then quiet = 0 else quiet = 1 a=MPFITFUN(userfuncs,x,y,sigy,a,PERROR=erra,yfit=yfit,$ parinfo=parinfo,functarg=functarg,quiet=quiet, _extra=e) endif ; outputs erru=0.*erra & errl=erru ; how many thawed parameters? ot=where(ifit gt 0,mot) ;which parameters are thawed if v gt 1 then message,'There are '+strtrim(mot,2)+' thawed parameters',/info if mot gt 15 then begin message,'This will eons to complete and the answer will still be 42',$ /info message,'type "x" NOW to return without further damage',/info wait,3 & c=get_kbrd(0) if strlowcase(c) eq 'x' then begin if v gt 5 then message,'quitting',/info return endif else message,'.. proceeding to find errors for all '+$ strtrim(mot,2)+' thawed parameters',/info endif IF keyword_set(mciter) then nmc = mciter else nmc = 30 ; set mc iteration increment IF keyword_set(mcconf) then conf=(mcconf<1d)/2d else conf= 0.68269/2d ;set confidence IF conf eq 0 then conf= 0.68269/2d ice = where(ifit eq 0,mice) ; identify frozen parms for init config fir = where(ifit eq 1,mfir) ; identify thawed parms for init config nmc = nmc*mfir >(2*(mfir+1)+1) ; scale nmc by number of thawed parms arg = DBLARR(n_elements(fir),nmc) ; initialize array to hold monte carlo results IF algo_type eq 'LevMarq+SVD' THEN BEGIN for j = 0, nmc - 1, 1 do begin ; initiate monte carlo sim if v gt 2 then print, 'mc iter#',j+1 randomdis=DOUBLE(randomn(seed, /normal, n_elements(x), 1)) ; create synthetic data set yys = y + sigy*randomdis & aN = aN1 fit_levmar, x, yys, aN, yfunc0, freeze=freeze, erra=erra, chisq=chisq, sig=sigy,verbose = 0, _extra=e arg[*,j] = aN(fir) endfor ENDIF IF algo_type eq 'IDL-Curvefit' THEN BEGIN for j = 0, nmc - 1, 1 do begin ; initiate monte carlo sim if v gt 2 then print, 'mc iter#',j+1 randomdis=DOUBLE(randomn(seed, /normal, n_elements(x), 1)) ; create synthetic data set yys = y + sigy*randomdis & aN = aN1 yfunc0=curve_fit(x,yys,ywt,aN,erra,chisq=chisq, _extra=e) arg[*,j] = aN(fir) endfor ENDIF IF algo_type eq 'MPFIT' THEN BEGIN for j = 0, nmc-1,1 do begin ; initiate montecarlo sim if v gt 2 then print, 'mc iter#',j+1 randomdis=DOUBLE(randomn(seed, /normal, n_elements(x), 1)) ; create synthetic data set yys = y + sigy*randomdis & aN = aN1 results=MPFITFUN(userfuncs,x,yys,sigy,aN,PERROR=erra,yfit=yfit,$ parinfo=parinfo,functarg=functarg,quiet=quiet,_extra=e) arg[*,j] = results(fir) endfor ENDIF ; Now get the upper/lower one sigma confidence bounds err ; sort each row in arg (this contains mc results), after placing original fit in it For q =0, mfir-1 do begin g = a(fir(q)) auxar = [g, transpose(arg[q,*])] & argg = auxar(sort(auxar)) & a0w = where(argg eq g) a0w = median(a0w) & intt = round(nmc*conf) & nmcc = nmc ;not nmc-1 becuase you added g btbd = a0w - 2*intt > 0 ;lowest possible lower bound in IDL index space tpbd = a0w + 2*intt < nmcc ;highest possible high bound in IDL index space testint = fltarr((tpbd-btbd-2*intt)+1);tricky? how many test intervals necessary for j = btbd, tpbd-2*intt do testint(j-btbd) = argg(j+2*intt)-argg(j);calculate width of each interval jj = median(where(testint eq min(testint))) ; identify smallest width eu = argg(jj+2*intt+btbd) & el = argg(jj+btbd) ; and corresponding bounds errl(fir(q))=el & erru(fir(q))=eu endfor ; ouput sims if necessary if keyword_set(mcsims) then mcsims = arg ; adjust the errors to suit the constraints olderru=erru & olderrl=errl adjustie,erru,_extra=e & adjustie,errl,_extra=e for i=0,n_elements(ifit)-1 do begin if ifit(i) ne 0 and erru(i) eq 0 then erru(i)=olderru(i) if ifit(i) ne 0 and errl(i) eq 0 then errl(i)=olderrl(i) endfor ; convert to symmetric error bars if necessary if np eq 4 then begin tmpu=erru-a & tmpl=a-errl & erru=0.5*(abs(tmpu)+abs(tmpl)) endif if v ge 1 then print,'' if v ge 1 then print,'Done finding errors' return end