function mcmc_abund,simdem,logt,wvl,flx,fsigma,emis,z,asig,zout,abweight=abweight,$ elogt=elogt,nosol=nosol,olog=olog,crctn_factor=crctn_factor,abund=abund,_extra = e ;+ ;function mcmc_abund ; ; An abundance-independent DEM-reconstruction can be achieved ; by running a Monte Carlo Markov-Chain DEM reconstruction ; mcmc_dem() on a set of He-like to H-like flux ratios. ; ; A DEM realized in this fashion together with the observed ; line fluxes give implied abundances. This function returns ; fractional abundnaces relative to solar 'grevesse & sauval' ; (not logarithmic values) given a set of MCMC realized DEMS ; (mcmc_dem ouput), fluxes, and line details. ; ;parameters ; simdem [INPUT;required] an array of size ; (NT,NSIM+1), with last column containing the best-fit ; logt [INPUT] log_10(Temperature [K]) at which DEMS are given ; wvl [INPUT; required] wavelengths [Ang] ; flx [INPUT; required] flux [ph/s] at each WVL ([ph/s/cm^2] ; fsigma [INPUT; required] errors for flx ; emis [INPUT; required] line emissivities [1e-23 ergs cm^3/s] ; * EMIS==EMIS(LOGT,WVL) ; z [INPUT; required] atomic numbers of the elements ; generating the lines at WVL. ; asig [OUTPUT] error in the weighted mean abundance ; zout [OUTPUT] atomic numbers corresponding to output abundances ;keywords ; abund [INPUT] set of abundances. see GETABUND(). Output ; will be relative to this set. Default is Grevesse & ; Sauval (1998) ; abweight [INPUT] if a different weighting is required to compute ; abundances then specify abweight as an array of weights of ; the same size as flx (e.g. one can use fsigma) ; elogt [INPUT] log_10(Temperature[K]) at which EMIS are ; defined if different from logt ; nosol [INPUT] if set, then output abundances will not be ; relative to solar ; olog [INPUT] if set, outputs abundances and asig will be ; logarithmic values. ; crctn_factor [INPUT] if set, correctin factor is applied to ; theoretical fluxes before calculation of abundnaces ; _extra [INPUT ONLY] use this to pass defined keywords to subroutines ; ;subroutines ; MC_EROR (/home/llin/ not PoA standard yet ; LINEFLX ;history ; Liwei Lin 5/03 ; ADDED keyword log for logarithmic output (LL 7/03) ; BUG FIX elogt is actually taken into account when set (LL/WB 8/03) ; LL/CA 9/03 BUGFIX Costanza points out error calculation bug ; which gives overestimation in errors ; BUG FIX elogt handler (call to rebinx) should have logt ; not dlogt as input (LL/WB 9/03) ; LL 01/04 ; ADDED keyword crctn_factor for use with mixie ; LL 01/04 ; H abundance cannot be updated ; LL/SC 2/04 ; BUGFIX HISTOGRAM will give a one element array if given ; just one atomic number to bin up. ; LL ADDED _extra keyword to lineflx ; LL 5/05 Change the asig determination to only include the errors ; as determined from the DEMs.THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIXED 9/03 AS ; stated above. (do not include the error in the ; fluxes a second time). ; ADDED keyword abweight ; LL 6/05 ADDED keyword abund ; BUGFIX previous error calculation would fail for highly ; assymetric cases ; LL/DG 6/05 BUGFIX crash when MC_EROR returns two-element ; arrays ;- nl=n_elements(flx) ntd=n_elements(logt) & nsim=n_elements(SIMDEM[0,*]) em_rbnd=fltarr(ntd,nl) mod_flxs=fltarr(nl,nsim) mod_flx_erru = fltarr(nl) mod_flx_errl = fltarr(nl) if n_elements(abund) ne 30 then abund = getabund('grevesse & sauval') ; if correction factors set, see if array matches if keyword_set(crctn_factor) then begin ncf = n_elements(crctn_factor) if ncf ne nl then begin message, 'correction factor array does not match flux array', /info return, -1L endif endif ; if another weighting scheme is specified, then if keyword_set(abweight) then begin nabw = n_elements(abweight) if nabw ne nl then begin message, 'weighting scheme array does not match flux array', /info return, -1L endif endif ;if emis is on different T grid than DEM then do this if keyword_set(elogt) then begin for i=0, nl-1 do em_rbnd(*,i) = rebinx(emis(*,i),elogt,logt) emis = em_rbnd endif ;calculate fluxes for all lines for each dem realization for q=0, nsim-1 do begin if keyword_set(nosol) then mod_flx = lineflx(emis,logt,wvl,z,DEM=SIMDEM[*,q],/noabund,_extra=e) else $ mod_flx = lineflx(emis,logt,wvl,z, DEM=SIMDEM[*,q], abund=abund,_extra=e) if keyword_set(crctn_factor) then mod_flxs[*,q]=mod_flx/crctn_factor else mod_flxs[*,q]=mod_flx endfor ;get confidence limits by examining distribution of fluxes about best set for w=0, nl-1 do begin mc_eror, mod_flx(w), mod_flxs[w,*], bndu,bndl mod_flx_erru[w] = bndu[0]-mod_flx[w] mod_flx_errl[w] = mod_flx[w]-bndl[0] endfor ;the last iteration should correspond to the best mod_flx abnd = flx/mod_flx ; X/H relative to solar if nosol not set ;abnerru = sqrt([abnd^2] * [(mod_flx_erru/mod_flx)^2]) ;abnerrl = sqrt([abnd^2] * [(mod_flx_errl/mod_flx)^2]) mod_flx_err = (mod_flx_erru+mod_flx_errl)/2 abnsig = mod_flx_err*flx/(mod_flx^2) ;take the weighted mean for each element zcount = histogram([0,z]) ; count how many of each element zcount = zcount[1:*] ; get rid of dummy zwhere=where((zcount gt 0)); identify which elements zcount = zcount(zwhere) ; zcount curtailed wtd_mean_abnd = fltarr(n_elements(zwhere)) wtd_mean_abnde= fltarr(n_elements(zwhere)) ;determine weights if keyword_set(abweight) then wght=abweight else wght = abnsig for q = 0, n_elements(zwhere)-1 do begin nmatches = zcount(q) ; number of lines for this element zelement = zwhere(q) ; remeber this is IDL indexed i.e. O will be 7 ii = where(z eq zelement+1) tmp_abnd = total(abnd(ii)/(wght(ii)^2))/total(1/(wght(ii)^2)) tmp_abnde = sqrt(1/total(1/(wght(ii)^2))) wtd_mean_abnd(q) = tmp_abnd wtd_mean_abnde(q) = tmp_abnde endfor asig = wtd_mean_abnde zout = zwhere+1 Hw = where(zout eq 1) if Hw[0] ne -1L then wtd_mean_abnd(Hw) = 1d if keyword_set(olog) then begin asig = abs(asig/(wtd_mean_abnd*alog(10))) wtd_mean_abnd=alog10(wtd_mean_abnd) endif return, wtd_mean_abnd end