function mcmc_dem,wvl,flx,emis,Z=Z,logt=logt,diffem=diffem,abund=abund,$ onlyrat=onlyrat,sysdev=sysdev,sysgrp=sysgrp,$ fsigma=fsigma,ulim=ulim,demrng=demrng,abrng=abrng,$ xdem=xdem,xab=xab,xnsig=xnsig,$ nsim=nsim,nbatch=nbatch,nburn=nburn,nosrch=nosrch,savfil=savfil,$ bound=bound,hwhm=hwhm,demerr=demerr,aberr=aberr,smoot=smoot,$ smooscl=smooscl,$ loopy=loopy,spliny=spliny,sampenv=sampenv,$ storpar=storpar,storidx=storidx,stordem=stordem,bestpar=bestpar,$ simprb=simprb,simdem=simdem,simabn=simabn,simflx=simflx,simprd=simprd,$ mixsstr=mixsstr,mixlstr=mixlstr,verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;function mcmc_dem ; performs Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo using a Metropolis algorithm ; on a set of supplied line fluxes and returns an estimate of the ; DEM that generates observed fluxes. ; ;syntax ; dem=mcmc_dem(wavelengths,fluxes,emissivities,Z=Z,logt=logt,$ ; diffem=initial_DEM,abund=abundances,fsigma=flux_errors,$ ; onlyrat=onlyrat,sysdev=sysdev,sysgrp=sysgrp,$ ; sampenv=sampenv,storpar=storpar,storidx=storidx,$ ; stordem=stordem,bestpar=bestpar,$ ; simprb=simprb,simdem=simdem,simabn=simabn,simflx=simflx,simprd=simprd,$ ; ulim=upper_limit_flag,softlim=softlim,demrng=DEMrange,abrng=abrng,$ ; smoot=smooth,loopy=loopy,/spliny,verbose=verbose, xdem=DEM_bins,xab=ABUND_bins,$ ; nsim=nsim,nbatch=nbatch,/steps,weight=weight,/gauss,type=type,/boxcar,$ ; nburn=nburn,/nosrch,savfil=savfil,bound=bound,demerr=demerr,$ ; aberr=aberr,/temp,/noph,effar=effar,wvlar=wvlar,/ikev,/regrid,$ ; mproxy=mproxy,mplet=mplet) ; ;parameters ; wvl [INPUT; required] wavelengths [Ang] at which fluxes are ; observed ; * NOTE: these are used only if the keyword NOPH is _not_ set, ; i.e., when the input is to be converted from [erg/...] to ; [ph/...]. In cases when the EMIS is precomputed with the ; effective area and abundances (e.g., for filter data from ; solar observatories), this is a dummy variable. ; flx [INPUT; required] flux [ph/s] at each WVL ([ph/s/cm^2] ; if EFFAR and WVLAR are not passed to LINEFLX) ; emis [INPUT; required] line emissivities [1e-23 ergs cm^3/s] ; * EMIS==EMIS(LOGT,WVL) ; * DEM is computed at all temperatures that EMIS are defined. ; * NOTE: the units are assumed to be [1e-23 ergs cm^3/s], ; but of course the code doesn't care what they are exactly. ; So it is perfectly possible to have them in units of, e.g., ; [DN cm^5 s^-1 pix^-1] if one so chooses (see SOLAR_TRESP.PRO) ; ;keywords ; Z [INPUT] atomic numbers of the elements generating the ; lines at WVL. ; * if not given, assumed to be Fe ; * if EMIS are precalculated including abundances, then ; set this to *1* (to mimic H) ; logt [INPUT] log_10(Temperature [K]) at which EMIS are given ; * if not supplied, assumed to go from 4 to 8 ; * if there is a size mismatch, logT will get stretched/shrunk ; to cover EMIS ; diffem [INPUT] initial guess for DEM(LOGT); default is 1e14 [cm^-5] ; abund [I/O] abundances. default is to use Anders & Grevesse (see ; GETABUND) ; * if ABRNG is non-trivial, will be allowed to vary and on ; exit will contain the MAP estimates of the abundances. ; * minimum is hardcoded at 1e-20 ; fsigma [INPUT] error on FLX; if not given, taken to be ; 1+sqrt(abs(FLX)+0.75) ; ulim [INPUT] long-integer array specifying which of the fluxes ; are upper limits (1: UL, 0: not) ; onlyrat [INPUT] string array describing which of the input fluxes ; must be considered only as ratios ; * each element of ONLYRAT corresponds to the fate of the ; corresponding element of FLX ; * basic format is: "sP#[,sP#[,...]]" where ; -- "#" is an integer flag describing the ratio being ; constructed ; -- "P" is a positional descriptor and can take on ; values N (for numerator) or D (for denominator) ; -- "s" stands for the sign with which the flux ; goes into the ratio "+" or "-" ; * e.g., to construct a simple ratio FLUXES[2]/FLUXES[1], ; ONLYRAT=['','+D1','+N1'] ; * e.g., to construct two hardness ratios ; FLUXES[3]/FLUXES[1] and ; (FLUXES[3]-FLUXES[1])/(FLUXES[3]+FLUXES[1]), ; ONLYRAT=['','+D1,-N2,+D2','','+N1,+N2,+D2'] ; sysdev [INPUT] systematic deviations in the underlying atomic ; physics data, multiplies the emissivity for a given line ; by a random number in each iteration to mimic systematic ; uncertainty in EMIS ; * it is assumed that these modifications are small -- if ; you do use this option, please check the output traces ; to make sure that the chain is stable ; * should be an array of the same size as FLX, and each ; number defines the range over which EMIS[*,WVL] varies, ; 10.^(randomn(seed)*SYSDEV[i])*EMIS[*,i] ; * if size is smaller than FLX, the missing elements are ; set to 0, i.e., no modifications are made ; sysgrp [INPUT] group different rows in EMIS to vary the same way ; in each iteration, is simply an array of 1-based grouping ; indices ; * e.g., if N(WVL)=6, and SYSGR=[0,1,2,1,0,2], then rows ; 1 and 3 are modified in conjunction (i.e., if #1 is ; changed by a factor 10^(r*SYSDEV[1]), then #3 is changed ; by a factor 10^(r*SYSDEV[3]), where r is the same for both), ; 2 and 5 are modified in conjunction, but 0 and 4 are ; _not_ tied together and are independently varied ; * if SYSDEV is not defined, SYSGRP is ignored ; * size must match that of FLX, but if smaller, the missing ; elements are set to -1, i.e., are all tied together ; - so if SYSGRP is not defined at all, all the rows are ; tied together, and only SYSDEV[0] is used ; demrng [INPUT] array containing the allowed range of variation ; in DEM: DEMRNG(i,0) < DEM(i) < DEMRNG(i,1) ; * if not supplied, DEMRNG(*,0)=DEM/1e5 & DEMRNG(*,1)=DEM*1e5 ; * if DEMRNG(k,0)=DEMRNG(k,1), this component is frozen ; abrng [INPUT] as DEMRNG, for ABUND. ; * if not supplied, ABRNG(*,0)=ABUND(*)=ABRNG(*,1) ; xdem [INPUT] bin boundaries for accumulating the realized DEMs ; * if scalar or 1-element vector, taken to be bin-width in log10 ; * if not specified, runs from min(DEMRNG) to max(DEMRNG) ; in steps of 0.1 in log10 ; xab [INPUT] bin boundaries for accumulating the realized ABUNDs ; * if scalar or 1-element vector, taken to be bin-width ; * if not specified, runs from min(ABRNG) to max(ABRNG) in ; steps of 0.1 in log10 ; xnsig [INPUT; default=3] force a minimum search range of ; XNSIG*sigma_determined_internally ; nsim [INPUT; default: 100; min=10] # of batches ; nbatch [INPUT; default: 10; min=5] # simulations per batch ; nburn [INPUT; default=NSIM/10] max # of simulations to run ; before assuming that solution has stabilized ; * note that this is a maximum -- if burn-in is achieved ; earlier, the algorithm will move on to standard MCMC ; nosrch [INPUT] if set, does *not* carry out a (crude) grid search ; for a best guess initial starting point. ; * if set to a IDL savefile name, restores the best guess ; from said file ; savfil [INPUT] if set, saves all variables to an IDL save file ; prior to exit ; * if not a string, or is an array, saves to 'mcmc.sav' ; bound [INPUT; default=0.9] confidence interval of interest ; * minimum=0.1 ; hwhm [INPUT] if set, returns the upper and lower Half-Widths ; at Half-Maxmimum in DEMERR and ABERR. ; demerr [OUTPUT] confidence bounds on MAP estimates of DEM ; * DEMERR(*,0) are lower bounds, DEMERR(*,1) are upper bounds ; aberr [OUTPUT] confidence bounds on MAP estimates of ABUND ; * ABERR(*,0) are lower bounds, ABERR(*,1) are upper bounds ; smoot [INPUT] if set, multiplies the local length scale determined ; using FINDSCALE by SMOOT. ; smooscl [INPUT] if set, bypasses FINDSCALE and uses the scales input ; via this keyword as the local length scales ; * _must_ be in units of [bins], not delta_T, dlogT, or whatever ; * if vector and size matches LOGT, then uses the input values ; as the [bins] over which to smooth ; * otherwise assumes constant smoothing scale corresponding to ; first element ; loopy [INPUT] if set, "smooths" by converting to T^3/2, loop-like DEM ; * use keyword SLOOP to change the index ; * set to a number >1 to limit the maximum number of ; temperature components ; spliny [INPUT] if set, "smooths" by making a spline interpolation ; sampenv [INPUT] envelope from which to sample the temperature bins. ; this is a way to avoid T bins which may have no data and thus ; work more efficiently to explore just that part of the parameter ; space that is interesting. ; * if not given, or is not understandable, assumed to be the ; simple envelope of all the emissivities in EMIS ; * if set to: ; 'ONLYRAT' - then the envelope is computed taking ; into account the ratios ; 'INCABUND' - then use emissivities weighted by the abundance ; 'FLAT' - then make no distinction between different T bins ; 'INCALLT' - then force a look at all T bins at a 1% level ; 'STEPPED' - then zero everywhere EMIS does not cover the ; T range, and at least 25% of maximum where it does ; 'COVER' - then zero everywhere EMIS does not cover the ; T range, and constant where it does ; * NOTE: multiple SAMPENV settings may be specified, and ; they will be applied in the above sequence -- whether the ; sequence makes sense or not is up to the user to determine ; * if set to a numerical array the same size as LOGT, then ; simply use that array as the envelope ; * NOTE: recommend using 'COVER' or 'STEPPED' for EMIS ; derived from broad-band filters such as for solar data ; storpar [OUTPUT] parameters from the MCMC chain ; storidx [OUTPUT] index of the parameters stored in STORPAR ; stordem [OUTPUT] DEMs calculated from the parameters for given STORIDX ; bestpar [OUTPUT] best values of the parameters as found in the chain ; simprb [OUTPUT] the metric at the end of each batch, an array of size ; (NSIM+1), with last element containing the value for the best-fit ; simdem [OUTPUT] the DEM at the end of each batch, an array of size ; (NT,NSIM+1), with last column containing the best-fit ; simabn [OUTPUT] same as SIMDEM, but for abundances ; simflx [OUTPUT] same as SIMDEM, but for the fluxes with each [DEM,ABUND] ; simprd [OUTPUT] same as SIMFLX, but for the ratios, only if ONLYRAT is used ; mixsstr [I/O] Set to turn on line deblending via MIXIE(). ; Line (and/or conitnuum) structure of ; RD_LIST() format containing info (wvl,emis,z) on ; lines (and/or continuum) for which possible contaminants will be identified ; and for which correction factors will be ; calculated. Assumes that ion equilibria are ; included. (see RD_LIST() keyword INCIEQ). ; mixlstr [I/O] Line (and/or conitnuum) structure of ; RD_LIST() format containing info (wvl,emis,z) on ; lines (and/or continuum) for which possible contaminants will be identified ; and for which correction factors will be ; calculated. Assumes that ion equilibria are ; included. (see RD_LIST() keyword INCIEQ) ; set to turn on line deblending via MIXIE(). ; verbose [INPUT] explicitly set to 0 to avoid making plots ; * THINK TWICE before doing this!! ; _extra [INPUT] pass defined keywords to subroutines ; ties [ADJUSTIE] tie abundance parameters ; temp [LINEFLX] assume input LOGT are actually T [K] ; noph [LINEFLX] compute fluxes in [ergs/s/...] not [ph/s/...] ; effar [LINEFLX] effective area in [cm^2] ; wvlar [LINEFLX] wavelengths at which EFFAR are defined [Ang] ; nhne [LINEFLX] ratio of N(H)/n_e, assumed to be 0.83 ; softlim [LIKELI] allow for upper limits to be softly defined ; steps [VARSMOOTH] assume stepped averaging from smoothing scale ; weight [VARSMOOTH] allow weighting of adjacent points in boxcar smooth ; type [VARSMOOTH] functional form to smooth with, see X3MODEL/LIBMODEL ; boxcar [VARSMOOTH] controls smoothing behavior at endpoints ; betap [MK_LORENTZ/MK_SLANT] index of beta-profile ; angle [MK_SLANT] angle of tilt ; fwhm [MK_GAUSS/MK_LORENTZ/MK_ROGAUSS] return FWHM rather than ; sigma or core width ; sloop [LOOPEM] slope of loop DEM ; dfx_mul [GENERATIO] multiplicative delta_Fx to compute partials ; dfx_add [GENERATIO] additive delta_Fx to compute partials ; choice [FINDSCALE] flag to choose algo to find the scales ; pick [FINDSCALE] flag on hoe to collapse scales from 2D to 1D ; crunch [FINDSCALE] collapse 2D to 1D prior to finding scales ; half [FINDSCALE] return half-scale ; eps [FINDSCALE] a small number ; mproxy [MIXIE] see MIXIE() ; mplet [MIXIE] see MIXIE() ; ;restrictions ; requires subroutines ; -- KILROY ; -- GETABUND ; -- MCMC_DEM_ONLY [LINEFLX, LIKELI, MK_DEM, VARSMOOTH, LOOPEM] ; -- LINEFLX [GETABUND, WHEE] ; -- LIKELI [SOFTLIM] ; -- FINDSCALE [WVLT_SCALE [ROOFN]] ; -- MK_DEM ; -- LOOPEM ; -- VARSMOOTH ; -- GENERATIO ; -- ADJUSTIE ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Apr 97) ; added keyword SMOOT (VK; May97) ; added keyword LOOPY and replaced call to VARSMOOTH by call to ; MK_DEM (VK; Nov01) ; added keyword ONLYRAT and call to GENERATIO (VK; Nov'02) ; numerous bug fixes (VK/LL; Dec'02) ; ratio stuff was not being passed on to MCMC_DEM_ONLY; now stores ; simulated DEMs, ABUNDs, fluxes, and ratios (VK/LL; Jan'03) ; added keywords SAMPENV,STORPAR,STORIDX,SIMPRB,SIMDEM,SIMABN, ; SIMFLX,SIMPRD,NBURN (VK; Feb'03) ; added keyword SMOOSCL (VK; May'03) ; added keyword SPLINY (VK; Jun'03) ; added _extra to call to PRED_FLX (VK; Jul'03) ; bugfix sampenv ONLYRAT keyword handler included (VK/LL:Dec'03) ; bugfix sampenv was ignored if input as array (LL: Dec'03) ; bugfix nemt is undefined in logt keyword handler(LL:Dec'03) ; added BRNSTR in call to MCMC_DEM_ONLY() to enable deblending ; via MIXIE() (LL:Jan'04) ; bugfix abndupdt, a MIXIE keyword now set by default and ; turned off if abrng keyword is set (LL:Mar'04) ; added keyword XNSIG (VK; Jun'04) ; bug fix: compute DEMs for /LOOPY and /SPLINY on correct T grid ; (VK; Jan05) ; allow limiting number of T components for LOOPY (VK; Mar05) ; added call to adjustie and MIXLSTR keyword (LL; Jun05) ; added LCOMP to call to MK_DEM, check to make sure FSIGMA ; are all +ve definite, and a warning if ABUND[0] is not 1, ; force single T deviate per iteration for LOOPY (VK; Jun05) ; bug correction: if no update found in a batch, was still ; storing DEM from that batch; now corrected (VK; Jul05) ; added options COVER and STEPPED for SAMPENV (VK; Jan06) ; include extra kick at NPAR+1 to unfreeze parameters in case ; of LOOPY getting stuck; also bug correction for NPAR+1 ; selections in regular case if some T bins are frozen ; (VK; Apr06) ; added keyword VERBOSE (VK; Jun07) ; added keyword BESTPAR (VK; Nov08) ; added keywords SYSDEV and SYSGRP (VK; Apr09) ; changed how stddev of proposal distr. is calculated, from using ; histograms to using unbinned distr.; added keyword STORDEM and ; now STORPAR outputs unsmoothed parameters (VK; Apr12) ;- ; usage nw=n_elements(wvl) & nf=n_elements(flx) & sem=size(emis) if nw eq 0 or nf eq 0 or sem(1) eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: dem=mcmc_dem(wavelengths,fluxes,emissivities,Z=Z,logt=logt,$' print,' diffem=initial_DEM,abund=abundances,fsigma=flux_errors,$' print,' onlyrat=use_fluxes_in_ratios,sampenv=sampenv,$' print,' sysdev=sysdev,sysgrp=sysgrp,$' print,' storpar=storpar,storidx=storidx,stordem=stordem,simprb=simprb,simdem=simdem,$' print,' simabn=simabn,simflx=simflx,simprd=simprd,ulim=upper_limit_flag,$' print,' demrng=DEMrange,abrng=abrng,smoot=smooth,smooscl=smooscl,$ print,' loopy=loopy,/spliny,verbose=verbose, xdem=DEM_bins,xab=ABUND_bins,xnsig=xnsig,$' print,' nsim=nsim,nbatch=nbatch,nburn=nburn,/steps,weight=weight,$' print,' /gauss,type=type,/boxcar,softlim=softlim,$' print,' /nosrch,savfil=savfil,bound=bound,demerr=demerr,aberr=aberr,$ print,' /temp,/noph,effar=effar,wvlar=wvlar,/ikev,/regrid,$ print,' mproxy=mproxy,mplet=mplet)' print,'returns best estimate of DEM(logT) and ABUND given flux@wavelengths' return,-1L endif ; cast variables ; verbosity vv=1L & if n_elements(verbose) ne 0 then begin if verbose[0] eq 0 then vv=0 else vv=long(verbose[0])>1 endif ; wavelength, flux, line emissivity ww=[wvl] & fx=[flx] & line=[emis] ; atomic number zz=intarr(nw)+26 & if keyword_set(Z) then begin if n_elements(z) le nw then zz(0)=Z else zz(*)=Z(0:nw-1) endif ; error on flux sig=1.+sqrt(abs(flx)+0.75) & if keyword_set(fsigma) then begin if n_elements(fsigma) le nf then sig(0)=fsigma else sig(*)=fsigma(0:nf-1) endif & sig=double(sig) ;error in error? o0=where(sig le 0,mo0) if mo0 gt 0 then begin message,'some FSIGMA are below zero; replacing with Poisson errors',/informational sig(o0)=1.+sqrt(abs(flx(o0))+0.75) endif ; upper limits if n_elements(ulim) ne nw then begin if n_elements(ulim) gt 0 then message,'unsetting upper limits',/informational ulim=lonarr(nw) endif & oul=where(ulim eq 0,moul) if moul gt 0 then tfx=total(fx(oul)) else tfx=0. if moul gt 0 then tsig=sqrt(total(sig(oul)^2)) else tsig=1. ; ratios nrat=n_elements(onlyrat) & nrats=0 & idxflx=lindgen(nf) & obsdat=fx & obssig=sig if nrat eq nw then begin ;(parse ONLYRAT generatio,fx,onlyrat,rx,fxerr=sig,rxerr=rsigma,verbose=vv, _extra=e nrats=n_elements(rx) if nrats gt 0 then begin idxflx=where(onlyrat eq '',midxflx) if midxflx gt 0 then begin obsdat=[fx(idxflx),rx] & obssig=[sig(idxflx),rsigma] endif else begin obsdat=[rx] & obssig=[rsigma] endelse endif endif else begin ;ONLYRAT)(not kosher if keyword_set(onlyrat) then message,'ONLYRAT must be a string array of same size as FLUXES; ignoring.',/info endelse ;ONLYRAT not kosher) ; logT nemt=sem(1) if not keyword_set(logt) then begin if nemt gt 1 then logt=findgen(nemt)*(8.-4.)/(nemt-1)+4. else logt=[6.] endif & logt=[logt] & nt=n_elements(logt) ; DEM dem=0*logt+1e14 & if keyword_set(diffem) then begin if n_elements(diffem) le nt then dem(0)=diffem else dem(*)=diffem(0:nt-1) endif ; abundances nab=n_elements(abund) & abnd=getabund('anders & grevesse') & abmn=1e-20 if nab ne 0 then begin if nab le n_elements(abnd) then abnd(0:nab-1)=abund if nab gt n_elements(abnd) then abnd=abund(0:n_elements(abnd)-1) endif oo=where(abnd le 0) & if oo(0) ne -1 then abnd(oo)=abmn ;absolute min if abnd(0) ne 1 then begin print,abnd message,'WARNING: H abundance is '+strtrim(abnd(0),2),/informational stop,'HALTing; type .CON to continue' endif ; number of simulations in each batch if keyword_set(nsim) then nsim=(long(nsim(0))>10) else nsim=100L ; number of batches if keyword_set(nbatch) then nbatch=(long(nbatch(0))>5) else nbatch=10L ; number of burn-ins if keyword_set(nburn) then nburn=(long(nburn(0))) else nburn=long(nsim/10.+1) ; systematic deviations devsys=fltarr(nf) & nsd=n_elements(sysdev) if nsd gt 0 then devsys[0L:(nsd UL? tmp=rngD(oo,1) & rngD(oo,1)=rngD(oo,0) & rngD(oo,0)=tmp endif oo=where(abnd le 0,moo) & if moo gt 0 then abnd(oo)=abmn ;(we'll oo=where(rngA(*,0) le 0,moo) & if moo gt 0 then rngA(oo,0)=abmn ;operate oo=where(rngA(*,1) le 0,moo) & if moo gt 0 then rngA(oo,1)=abmn ;in log) oo=where(rngA(*,0) gt rngA(*,1),moo) ;LL > UpLim? if moo gt 0 then begin tmp=rngA(oo,1) & rngA(oo,1)=rngA(oo,0) & rngA(oo,0)=tmp endif ; figure out which parameters are to be thawed allpar=[alog10(dem),alog10(abnd)] & ipar=lindgen(n_elements(allpar)) aparmx=[alog10(rngD(*,1)),alog10(rngA(*,1))] aparmn=[alog10(rngD(*,0)),alog10(rngA(*,0))] oo=where(aparmx eq aparmn,moo) & if moo gt 0 then ipar(oo)=-1 opar=where(ipar ge 0,npar) if npar eq 0 then begin ;give the parameters their freedom message,'kuma kuma pende zende',/info return,dem endif opad=where(opar lt nt,npad) & if npad gt 0 then opad=opar(opad) ; histogram bins wdem=0.1 & wab=0.1 mindem=min(rngD,max=maxdem,/nan) & minab=min(rngA,max=maxab,/nan) mindem=alog10(mindem) & maxdem=alog10(maxdem) minab=alog10(minab) & maxab=alog10(maxab) n_dem=n_elements(xdem) & n_ab=n_elements(xab) if n_dem le 1 then begin if n_dem eq 0 then n_dem=long((maxdem-mindem)/wdem+0.5)+1 else $ n_dem=long(xdem(0))>2 xdem=findgen(n_dem)*wdem+mindem endif if n_ab le 1 then begin if n_ab eq 0 then n_ab=long((maxab-minab)/wab+0.5)+1 else $ n_ab=long(xab(0))>2 xab=findgen(n_ab)*wab+minab endif if max(xdem) lt maxdem then begin xdem=[xdem,max(xdem)+wdem] & n_dem=n_dem+1 endif if max(xab) lt maxab then begin xab=[xab,max(xab)+wab] & n_ab=n_ab+1 endif ; get the emissivity envelope tmp=line & emenv=dblarr(nt) & for i=0,nt-1 do emenv(i)=total(tmp(i,*)) if keyword_set(sampenv) then begin nsampenv=n_elements(sampenv) szse=size(sampenv) & nsze=n_elements(szse) if szse(nsze-2L) eq 7 then begin cc=strupcase(sampenv(0)) if strpos(cc,'ONLYRAT',0) ge 0 then begin if szse(1) eq nt and nsze gt 1 and nrats gt 0 then begin emenv=dblarr(nt) for it=0L,nt-1L do begin generatio,reform(tmp(i,*)),onlyrat,rx,verbose=vv, _extra=e if midxflx eq 0 then emenv(i)=total(rx) else $ emenv(i)=total(rx)+total(tmp(i,idxflx)) endfor endif endif if strpos(cc,'INCABUN',0) ge 0 then begin emenv=dblarr(nt) & for i=0,nt-1 do emenv(i)=total(tmp(i,*)*abnd(zz-1)) endif if strpos(cc,'FLAT',0) ge 0 then emenv(*)=1. if strpos(cc,'INCALLT',0) ge 0 then emenv=emenv+max(emenv)/100. if strpos(cc,'STEPPED',0) ge 0 then begin o1=where(emenv lt 0.25*max(emenv),mo1) o0=where(emenv le max(emenv)/1d15,mo0) if mo1 gt 0 then emenv(o1)=0.25*max(emenv) if mo0 gt 0 then emenv(o0)=0. endif if strpos(cc,'COVER',0) ge 0 then begin o0=where(emenv le max(emenv)/1d10,mo0) & emenv(*)=1. if mo0 gt 0 then emenv(o0)=0. endif endif else begin if szse(1) eq nt then emenv=sampenv*1.D endelse endif ;;for i=0,nw-1 do tmp(*,i)=tmp(*,i)*abnd(zz(i)-1) ;incl. abund ;for i=0,nw-1 do tmp(*,i)=tmp(*,i)/max(tmp(*,i)) ;w/o incl. abund ;emenv=dblarr(nt) & for i=0,nt-1 do emenv(i)=total(tmp(i,*)) ;envelope ;;emenv=emenv+max(emenv)/100. ;force looks at "bad" points too ; oo=where(aparmx(0:nt-1) eq aparmn(0:nt-1),moo) ;these T points frozen if moo gt 0 then emenv(oo)=0. ;don't EVER consider frozen T points oo=where(aparmx(0:nt-1) ne aparmn(0:nt-1),moo) ;these T points thawed cenv=dblarr(moo)+emenv(0) for i=1,moo-1 do cenv(i)=cenv(i-1)+emenv(oo[i]) ;cumulative cenv=(cenv/cenv(moo-1))>0 ; local smoothing scales nsmtscl=n_elements(smooscl) if nsmtscl eq 0 then lscal=findscale(line,_extra=e)>1 else begin if nsmtscl eq nt then lscal=smooscl else $ lscal=intarr(nt)+smooscl[0] endelse ; reset the scales if necessary if n_elements(smoot) ne 0 then lscal=long(lscal*smoot(0)+0.5) ; initialize isim=0L ;number of simulations ksim=long(nsim)*long(npar) ;number of simulations saved istor=0L ;index of saved simulation iburn=0L ;batches used to burn-in prb=0. ;-log(probability) ebound=0.9 ;fraction of p(M|D) to include in error bar if not keyword_set(bound) then ebound=0.9 else ebound=(double(bound(0))>0.1)<1 sigpar=(aparmx-aparmn)/5. ; of parameters if not keyword_set(xnsig) then xnsig=3. ; parcnt=lonarr(npar) ;keep count of # times parameter is simulated storpar=dblarr(ksim) ;store generated parameters stordem=dblarr(ksim) ;store generated DEM values storidx=lonarr(ksim)-1 ;parameter index in above ;hdem=lonarr(nt,n_dem-1) ;histogram of all DEM values ;hab=lonarr(nab,n_ab-1) ;histogram of all ABUND values bestpar=allpar & bestsig=sigpar ;begin with this ; simprb=fltarr(nsim+1L) ;store NSIM "quality of fit" probabilities ;and the best-fit PRB simdem=dblarr(nt,nsim+1L) ;store NSIM simulations of DEMs and the best-fit simabn=dblarr(nab,nsim+1L) ;store NSIM simulations of abundances and the best-fit simflx=fltarr(nf,nsim+1L) ;store NSIM simulations of predicted fluxes and the ;flux produced by the best-fit if keyword_set(nrats) then simprd=fltarr(n_elements(obsdat),nsim+1L) ;store NSIM simulations of predicted fluxes and ratios ;and those produced by the best-fit ; Check on mixsstr call_mixie = 0 if keyword_set(mixsstr) then begin call_mixie=1 ; construct lstr for mixie from wvl,emis,z if not keyword_set(mixlstr) then $ mixlstr=create_struct('LINE_INT',emis,'LOGT',logt,'WVL',wvl,'z',z,'ION',0*z, $ 'DESIG', strarr(2,nw),'CONFIG',strarr(2,nw),'SRC',0*z, 'JON',0*z) xfrac = mixie(mixlstr, mixsstr, dem=dem, dlogt = logt, obsflx=flx, ofsig=fsigma,brnstr=brnstr, abund=abnd,abndupdt=abndupdt,_extra=e) endif else xfrac=0*wvl*1.0 ; figure out best regions to search in if not keyword_set(nosrch) then begin ;{do search for i=0,npar-1 do begin ;(shtep thru parameters j=opar(i) & kilroy,dot='('+strtrim(j,2)+')' if j lt nt then xx=xdem else xx=xab nx=n_elements(xx) & prbpar=fltarr(nx) for k=0,nx-1 do begin ;{step thru range tmpar=allpar & tmpar(j)=xx(k) mcmc_dem_only,tmpar,fx,sig,ulim,line,logT,ww,zz,lscal,ff,prb,dem,abnd,$ /chi2,/rchi,loopy=loopy,spliny=spliny,nrats=nrats,onlyrat=onlyrat,$ obsdat=obsdat,obssig=obssig,idxflx=idxflx,prddat=prddat,$ mixlstr=mixlstr,mixsstr=mixsstr,brnstr=brnstr,abndupdt=abndupdt,$ xfrac=xfrac,verbose=vv,_extra=e ;compute predicted flux and likelihood tf=total(ff) prbpar(k)=prb endfor ;k=0,nx-1} ;if i ge nt then stop prbpar=-prbpar & prbpar=((prbpar-max(prbpar))<69)>(-69) prbpar=exp(prbpar) & prbpar=prbpar/total(prbpar) oo=where(prbpar eq max(prbpar),moo) if moo gt 1 then begin bestpar(j)=total(prbpar(oo)*xx(oo))/total(prbpar(oo)) endif else begin if moo eq 1 then bestpar(j)=xx(oo) endelse minsig=xnsig*abs(min(xx(1:*)-xx)) bestsig(j)=(total(prbpar*xx*xx)-(total(prbpar*xx))^2) > minsig^2 bestsig(j)=sqrt(bestsig(j)) if finite(bestsig(j)) eq 0 then bestsig(j)=(max(xx)-min(xx))/2. kilroy,dot=strtrim(bestpar(j),2)+'+-'+strtrim(bestsig(j),2)+' ' allpar(j)=bestpar(j) ;if i ge nt then stop endfor ;i=0,npar-1) endif else begin ;}{don't waste time... szsrch=size(nosrch) & nszsrch=n_elements(szsrch) if szsrch(nszsrch-2) eq 7 then restore,nosrch(0) endelse ;NOSRCH} allpar=bestpar & sigpar=bestsig if vv gt 0 then begin window,0 & !p.multi=[0,2,3] & window,1 & wset,0 endif bestpar=allpar & bestsig=sigpar ;begin with this ; ok, what's the bad news? how far off are we? dem=[allpar(0:nt-1)] & abnd=[allpar(nt:*)] dem=10.D^(dem) & abnd=10.^(abnd) if call_mixie then xfrac=mixie(mixlstr,mixsstr,dem=dem, dlogt = logt, obsflx = flx,brnstr=brnstr, abund=abund,abndupdt=abndupdt,_extra=e) if nt eq 1 then begin ;because LINEFLX can't handle LINE(WVL) ff=fltarr(nw) for iw=0,nw-1 do ff(iw)=lineflx(line(iw),logT,ww(iw),zz(iw),DEM=DEM,$ abund=abnd, _extra=e)/xfrac(IW) endif else ff=lineflx(line,logT,ww,zz,DEM=DEM,abund=abnd, _extra=e)/xfrac tf=total(ff) oldprb=likeli(fx,ff,dsigma=sig,/chi2,ulim=ulim,_extra=e) bestprb=oldprb & kilroy,dot=' ['+strtrim(bestprb,2)+']' ; begin simulation while isim lt nsim do begin ;{start kilroy,dot='('+strtrim(isim,2)+')' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if vv gt 0 then plot,allpar(opar),yr=[min(aparmn(opar)),max(aparmx(opar))],col=150,$ charsize=1.7 if vv gt 0 then for i=0,npar-1 do oplot,[i,i],allpar(opar(i))+$ sigpar(opar(i))*[1,-1],col=100 for ibtc=0,nbatch-1 do begin ;(one batch rn=randomn(seed,npar) ru=randomu(seed,2*npar+1) hitpar=lonarr(npar) nnpar=npar+1L ;& if keyword_set(loopy) then nnpar=npar ; NOTE: the way this works normally is, go through NPAR ; steps, picking a random T param at each time. at the ; end of NPAR picks, usually there will be some that have ; not been picked. pick all those at one shot at the ; NPAR+1'th step. this bit was originally removed for ; loopy because what's the point, ey? but it turns out ; that loopy gets stuck in local minima without recourse ; to getting out. so, in the NPAR+1'th time, simply try ; the case with all the already picked parameters loopar=bestpar for jpar=0,nnpar-1 do begin ;{NPAR+1 steps/batch (unless LOOPY) tmpar=allpar ;change from ; this is a hack to force loopy out of the comfortable ; local minima it keeps finding itself in if keyword_set(loopy) then tmpar(0:nt-1)=$ shift(varsmooth(allpar(0:nt-1),lscal),fix(randomn(seed))) if jpar lt npar then begin if opar(jpar) lt nt then begin ;pick parameter to change ;kpar=jpar oo=where(cenv ge ru(jpar)) & kpar=oo(0) hitpar(kpar)=1 endif else kpar=jpar endif else kpar=jpar ; make the change if kpar lt npar then begin ;(NPAR steps tmpar(opar(kpar))=tmpar(opar(kpar))+rn(jpar)*sigpar(opar(kpar)) lcomp=opar(kpar) loopar(opar(kpar))=tmpar(opar(kpar)) endif else begin ;)(get those that were missed ono=where(hitpar(opar) eq 0,mno) if mno gt 0 then tmpar(opar(ono))=tmpar(opar(ono))+$ randomn(seed,mno)*sigpar(opar(ono)) oya=where(hitpar ne 0,mya) if keyword_set(loopy) then begin lcomp=-1L ;& if mno gt 0 then lcomp=opar(ono) if mya gt 0 then tmpar(oya)=loopar(oya) endif endelse ;KPAR=NPAR) ; and force compliance with hard limits oo=where((tmpar gt aparmx or tmpar lt aparmn) and ipar ge 0,moo) while moo gt 0 do begin tmpar(oo)=allpar(oo)+randomn(seed,moo)*sigpar(oo) oo=where((tmpar gt aparmx or tmpar lt aparmn) and ipar ge 0,moo) endwhile ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if kpar lt npar and vv gt 0 then oplot,[kpar],[tmpar(opar(kpar))],psym=3,col=150 ; add jitter to the emissivities jitline=line if nsd gt 0 then begin ;(jitter EMIS rsys=10.^(randomn(seed,nf)*devsys) for igp=0L,nugrp-1L do begin ogp=where(grpsys eq ugrp[igp],mogp) & if mogp eq 0 then message,'BUG!' for kgp=0L,mogp-1L do jitline[*,ogp[kgp]]=$ jitline[*,ogp[kgp]]*10.^(rsys[ogp[0]]*devsys[ogp[kgp]]) endfor endif ;NSD>0) ; compute predicted flux and likelihood mcmc_dem_only,tmpar,fx,sig,ulim,jitline,logT,ww,zz,lscal,tmpff,prb,tmpdem,tmpabnd,$ /chi2,loopy=loopy,lcomp=lcomp,spliny=spliny,nrats=nrats,onlyrat=onlyrat,$ obsdat=obsdat,obssig=obssig,idxflx=idxflx,prddat=tmpprd, mixlstr=mixlstr,mixsstr=mixsstr,$ xfrac=xfrac,brnstr=brnstr,abndupdt=abndupdt,verbose=vv, _extra=e ;compute predicted flux and likelihood ; NOTE: when priors are implemented, multiply exp(-prb) by the product of ; the priors of the parameters here. ; *bad* e.g. -- match the total counts in observed v/s model spectrum: ;if moul gt 0 then tf=total(tmpff(oul)) else tf=0. ;prb=prb+(tfx-tf)^2/tsig^2/2. ; Metropolis check -- keep new value for parameter or not? ; (remember that PRB is actually CHI^2) ; {accept_fn=(prb/oldprb)<1 & metro_check=randomu(seed)} ;NOTE: if new pars make for a better fit, PRB will be (aparmn(ko)) endif ; ************** ; temporarily... ; ************** if iburn eq nburn then begin parcnt(kpar)=parcnt(kpar)+1 if parcnt(kpar) eq long(parcnt(kpar)/nbatch)*nbatch then $ istor=istor+1L endif else istor=istor+1L endif endfor ;JPAR=0,NNPAR-1} endfor ;ibtc=0,nbatch-1) simprb(isim)=oldprb simdem(*,isim)=dem simabn(*,isim)=abnd simflx(*,isim)=ff if keyword_set(nrats) then simprd(*,isim)=prddat dem=[allpar(0:nt-1)] & abnd=[allpar(nt:*)] ;dem=varsmooth(dem,lscal,_extra=e) ;smooth if keyword_set(loopy) then $ dem=simdem(*,isim) else $ dem=alog10(simdem(*,isim)) ;dem=mk_dem('loop',indem=10.D^(dem),pardem=logT,logT=logT,loopy=loopy,$ ; lcomp=lcomp, _extra=e) else $ ;if keyword_set(spliny) then $ ; dem=mk_dem('spline',logT=logT,indem=dem,pardem=logT,logT=logT, _extra=e) else $ ; dem=mk_dem('varsmooth',logT=logT,indem=dem,pardem=lscal, _extra=e) if not keyword_set(loopy) then dem=10.D^(dem) & abnd=10.^(abnd) adjustie, abnd, _extra = e if vv gt 0 then oplot,alog10(dem),psym=10,col=4 if vv gt 0 then wset,1 tmp=pred_flx(line,logT,ww,dem,Z=zz,fobs=fx,fsigma=sig,abund=abnd,ulim=ulim,verbose=vv,_extra=e) if vv gt 0 then wset,0 kilroy,dot=string(likeli(fx,tmp,dsigma=sig,/chi2,ulim=ulim, _extra=e)) if iburn lt nburn then begin ;{burn-in until "stabilization" jstor=istor-nbatch*npar & norm=0L & tmpsig=sigpar if jstor lt 1 then dsig=0.D else begin ;(how different is new set? opars=storpar(0:jstor-1) & pars=storpar(0:istor-1) opari=storidx(0:jstor-1) & pari=storidx(0:istor-1) for i=0,npar-1 do begin ;(shtep through parameters j=opar(i) oo0=where(opari eq j,moo0) & oo1=where(pari eq j,moo1) if moo1 lt moo0 then message,' insect infestation!' if moo0 gt 0 then begin ;(any reason to bother? if j lt nt then xx=xdem else xx=xab minx=min(xx,max=maxx) & xx=0.5*(xx(1:*)+xx) f0=opars(oo0) & f1=pars(oo1) & binx=abs(xx(1)-xx(0)) hf0=float(histogram(f0,min=minx,max=maxx,binsize=binx)) hf1=float(histogram(f1,min=minx,max=maxx,binsize=binx)) hf0=hf0/total(hf0) & hf1=hf1/total(hf1) dsig=dsig+total(hf0*hf1)^2/total(hf0^2)/total(hf1^2) & norm=norm+1 ; os=sort(f1) & f1=f1(os) & xf1=findgen(moo1)/float(moo1) if moo1 gt 3 then begin tmp=interpol(f1,xf1,[0.16,0.84]) if tmp(0) lt tmp(1) then tmpsig(j)=(3.*(tmp(1)-tmp(0))) > (0.3*binx) else $ tmpsig(j)=3*binx ;in case the distribution is too narrow, ;or there are too few values endif else tmpsig(j)=(max(f1)-min(f1))>(3.0*binx) ;{VK Apr2012: the code below calculated the stddev via binned histograms. so mediveal. ;mpar=total(hf1*xx) & vpar=total(hf1*xx*xx)-mpar^2 ;tmpsig(j)=sqrt(vpar)>(xnsig*binx) ;new sigma ;if finite(tmpsig(j)) eq 0 then tmpsig(j)=(maxx-minx)/2. ; ;cf1=0*xx+hf1(0) ;for ii=1,n_elements(xx)-1 do cf1(ii)=cf1(ii-1)+hf1(ii) ;cf1=cf1/max(cf1) & oh=where(cf1 ge 0.16 and cf1 le 0.84,moh) ;if moh gt 0 then begin ;new sigmas/pars ; tmpsig(j)=0.5*(xx(oh(moh-1))-xx(oh(0))) > (3*binx) ;endif else begin ; tmpsig(j)=3*binx ;endelse ;VK Apr2012} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;plot,xx,hf0,col=150,title=strtrim(j,2)+' '+strtrim(mpar,2)+' '+$ ; strtrim(tmpsig(j),2),/xs,charsize=2 ;oplot,xx,hf1,line=1 & wait,0.5 endif ;moo0>0) endfor ;I=0,NPAR-1) endelse ;jstor>0) dsig=dsig/(norm>1) ;comparison metric kilroy,dot='<'+strtrim(dsig,2)+'>' if dsig gt 0.98 then iburn=nburn else iburn=iburn-1 ;stopping rule #1 if abs(iburn) eq nburn then iburn=nburn ;stopping rule #2 if istor ge ksim then iburn=nburn ;stopping rule #3 if iburn eq nburn then begin istor=0 ;discard all saved parameters storpar(*)=0.D & storidx(*)=-1L sigpar=tmpsig ;reset sigmas endif endif else isim=isim+1 ;then increment} endwhile ;ISIM3 & f=smooth(gf,smth,/edge) ; f=float(f)/total(f) ; cf=f & for k=1,n_elements(f)-1 do cf(k)=cf(k-1)+f(k) ; cf=cf/max(cf) ;cumulative distribution ; ; ; tmp=max(f,ip) & mapar(j)=xx(ip) ;MAP estimate ; ; ; ; error bounds ; ebu=(cf(ip)+ebound/2.)<1 & ebl=(cf(ip)-ebound/2.)>0 ; ipu=min(where(cf ge ebu)) & ipl=max(where(cf le ebl))>0 ; if ipu eq -1 then ipu=nx-1 ; upar(j)=xx(ipu) & lpar(j)=xx(ipl) ; ; ; ; HWHMs ; oo=where(f ge f(ip)/2.) ; ifl=min(oo,max=ifu) ; fupar(j)=xx(ifu) & flpar(j)=xx(ifl) ; endif ;MOO>0.25*NSIM) ;endfor ;I=0,NPAR-1} ; ;; recast outputs ;;dem=mapar(0:nt-1) & abund=mapar(nt:*) ;dem=allpar(0:nt-1) & abund=allpar(nt:*) ;demerr=dblarr(nt,2) & demerr(*,0)=lpar(0:nt-1) & demerr(*,1)=upar(0:nt-1) ;aberr=fltarr(nab,2) & aberr(*,0)=lpar(nt:*) & aberr(*,1)=upar(nt:*) ;if keyword_set(hwhm) then begin ; demerr(*,0)=flpar(0:nt-1) & demerr(*,1)=fupar(0:nt-1) ; aberr(*,0)=flpar(nt:*) & aberr(*,1)=fupar(nt:*) ;endif ;dem=10.D^(dem) & abund=10.^(abund) & demerr=10.D^(demerr) & aberr=10.^(aberr) if keyword_set(savfil) then begin ;save variables szsv=size(savfil) & nszsv=n_elements(szsv) if szsv(nszsv-2) ne 7 or szsv(0) ge 1 then svfil='' else svfil=savfil message,'saving variables to IDL save file '+svfil,/info save,file=savfil endif return,dem end