pro mcmc_dem_whiskerplot,savedem,epsroot=epsroot,thrfrac=thrfrac,thrnum=thrnum,dvdt=dvdt,$ logT=logT,simdem=simdem,storidx=storidx,$ cbox=cbox,cwhisk=cwhisk,cdots=cdots,cbest=cbest,cmode=cmode,cgrey=cgrey,cnum=cnum,$ labul=labul,labur=labur,labll=labll,lablr=lablr,yposul=yposul,yposur=yposur,yposll=yposll,yposlr=yposlr,$ xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,title=title,cthick=cthick,csize=csize,$ verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure mcmc_dem_whiskerplot ; make a nice whisker plot of the DEM solutions from MCMC_DEM. ; The central box covers 50% of the solutions at each temperature, ; and the whiskers cover the full range. Individual points are ; also overplotted, along with the mode at each temperature, and ; the full DEM(T) that corresponds to the mode at each T, as well ; as the overall best-fit solution. ; ;syntax ; mcmc_dem_whiskerplot,savedem,epsroot=epsroot,thrfrac=thrfrac,thrnum=thrnum,/dvdt,$ ; logT=logT,simdem=simdem,storidx=storidx,$ ; cbox=cbox,cwhisk=cwhisk,cdots=cdots,cbest=cbest,cmode=cmode,cgrey=cgrey,cnum=cnum,$ ; labul=labul,labur=labur,labll=labll,lablr=lablr,yul=yul,yur=yur,yll=yll,ylr=ylr,$ ; xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,title=title,cthick=cthick,csize=csize,$ ; verbose=verbose,$ ; other PLOT keywords ; ;parameters ; savedem [INPUT; required] this is the name of the file where ; MCMC_DEM saves its state ; * if set to 'NONE' or 'none', looks for keywords ; LOGT,SIMDEM,STORIDX for input ; ;keywords ; epsroot [INPUT] root name for encapsulated postscript file ; * if set, puts the plot in EPSROOT.eps ; thrfrac [INPUT] the fraction of the maximum of the histogram ; of selected temperatures in MCMC iteration to use ; * this looks at how many times a given temperature index ; is present in the MCMC trace ; * default is 0.05 ; * if 0, assumes default ; * if >1, the reciprocal is used ; * if <0, abs value fraction is taken of the _total_ number of ; of iterations, not of the max amongst different T ; * NOTE: the greater of THRFRAC and THRNUM is used ; thrnum [INPUT] the minimum _number_ of points of a given T ; that should be present ; * default is 100 ; * if 0, assumes default ; * if <0, abs value is used ; * there is a hardcoded minimum of 5 ; * NOTE: the greater of THRFRAC and THRNUM is used ; dvdt [INPUT] if set, converts the units of DEM to [.../degK] ; before plotting ; * MCMC_DEM computes DEMs as dV/dlogT == dV/dlnT/ln(10) == (T/ln(10))*dV/dT ; so if this is set, divides SIMDEM by T/ln(10) ; ; logT [INPUT] logT grid, used iff SAVEDEM='NONE' ; simdem [INPUT] simulated DEMs, used iff SAVEDEM='NONE' ; storidx [INPUT] logT index selections during MCMC iterations, used iff SAVEDEM='NONE' ; ; cbox [INPUT; default=none] color index for box ; * a color is applied only if set ; cwhisk [INPUT; default=3] color index for whiskers ; cdots [INPUT; default=4] color index for dots on whiskers ; * recommend setting this to 0 for postscript output ; cbest [INPUT; default=8] color index for best-fit curve ; cmode [INPUT; default=1] color index for mode marker ; cgrey [INPUT; default=95] color index for example curves ; * set CWHISK,CDOTS,CBEST,CMODE,CGREY explicitly to 0 to prevent plotting ; cnum [INPUT; default=9] color index for marking the number of samples ; ; labul [INPUT] LABel to put on Upper Left of plot ; labur [INPUT] LABel to put on Upper Right of plot ; labll [INPUT] LABel to put on Lower Left of plot ; lablr [INPUT] LABel to put on Lower Right of plot ; yposul [INPUT] y-location of LABUL ; yposur [INPUT] y-location of LABUR ; yposll [INPUT] y-location of LABLL ; yposlr [INPUT] y-location of LABLR ; * there are no equivalent XPOS because they can always be adjusted with ; judicious use of spaces within the label strings ; ; xrange [INPUT] passed on to PLOT without comment ; yrange [INPUT] passed on to PLOT without comment ; xtitle [INPUT] passed on to PLOT without comment ; ytitle [INPUT] passed on to PLOT without comment ; title [INPUT] passed on to PLOT without comment ; cthick [INPUT] line thickness ; * default is 2, unless EPSROOT is set, when it is 5 ; csize [INPUT] character and symbol sizes ; * default is 2, unless EPSROOT is set, when it is 1.2 ; ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [INPUT ONLY] pass defined keywords to subroutines ; ;requires subroutines ; PEASECOLR ; MODALPOINT ; ;history ; Vinay Kashyap (2015sep) ; bug fix with lower bound of whisker box not including mode; ensure clean quit ; when NSIM is small (VK; 2015nov) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & ns=n_elements(savedem) & szs=size(savedem,/type) if np eq 0 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if ns eq 0 then ok='SAVEDEM is not specified' else $ if ns gt 1 then ok='SAVEDEM must be a scalar' else $ if szs ne 7 then ok='SAVEDEM must be character string' else begin if strupcase(savedem[0]) ne 'NONE' then begin ;(SAVEDEM is given sfil=file_search(savedem[0],count=nsav) if nsav eq 0 then ok=savedem[0]+': file not found' else $ if nsav gt 1 then ok=savedem[0]+': too many files found' endif else begin ;)(SAVEDEM is none nT=n_elements(logT) & nd=n_elements(simdem) & ni=n_elements(storidx) szd=size(simdem) & szi=size(storidx) if nT eq 0 or nd eq 0 or ni eq 0 then ok='LOGT,SIMDEM,STORIDX must be specified' else $ if szd[0] ne 2 then ok='SIMDEM must be 2D' else $ if szd[1]*(szd[2]-1L) ne szi[1] then ok='SIMDEM and STORIDX are incompatible' else $ nsim=szd[2]-1L endelse ;SAVEDEM=NONE) endelse if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: mcmc_dem_whiskerplot,savedem,epsroot=epsroot,thrfrac=thrfrac,thrnum=thrnum,/dvdt,$' print,' logT=logT,simdem=simdem,storidx=storidx,$' print,' cbox=cbox,cwhisk=cwhisk,cdots=cdots,cbest=cbest,cmode=cmode,cgrey=cgrey,cnum=cnum,$' print,' labul=labul,labur=labur,labll=labll,lablr=lablr,yposul=yposul,yposur=yposur,yposll=yposll,yposlr=yposlr,$' print,' xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,title=title,cthick=cthick,csize=csize,$' print,' verbose=verbose, other PLOT keywords' print,' make whisker plots for output of MCMC_DEM' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational return endif ; read in MCMC_DEM output and initialize peasecolr & tvlct,rr,gg,bb,/get & tvlct,rr,gg,bb & peasecolr ; set default labels for plot xttl='log!d10!n(T [K])' yttl='DEM [cm!u-5!n logK!u-1!n]' ttl=' ' if strupcase(savedem[0]) ne 'NONE' then begin restore,sfil[0] ;SIMDEM, LOGT, STORIDX, NT, NSIM spawn,'basename '+sfil[0],tmp & ttl=tmp[0] endif hidx=histogram(storidx,min=0,max=nT-1L,binsize=1,reverse_indices=ri) maxhidx=max(hidx) ; convert units if necessary demarr=simdem if keyword_set(dvdt) then begin for i=0L,nT-1L do demarr[i,*]=simdem[i,*]*alog(10.)/10.D^(logT[i]) ;convert dV/dlogT to dV/dT yttl='DEM [cm!u-5!n K!u-1!n]' endif ; keywords vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1L ; nps=n_elements(epsroot) th=2 & cs=2 if nps ne 0 then begin psfil=strtrim(epsroot[0],2)+'.eps' dname=!d.NAME set_plot,'ps' & device,file=psfil,/color,/encapsulated endif else begin if !d.window lt 0 and ! eq 'X' then window,0,xsize=1000,ysize=800,title=ttl ;if window is already open, plot into that, otherwise make a nice big labeled canvas endelse if ! eq 'PS' then begin & th=5 & cs=1.2 & endif ;thickness/charsize for postscript if keyword_set(cthick) then th=float(abs(cthick[0])) if keyword_set(csize) then cs=float(abs(csize[0])) poaintsym,'circle',/pfil,psiz=cs/4. ; fthr=0.05 & nmax=maxhidx if keyword_set(thrfrac) then begin if thrfrac[0] lt 0 then nmax=total(hidx) fthr=abs(thrfrac[0]) if abs(thrfrac[0]) gt 1 then fthr=1./abs(thrfrac[0]) endif nthr=200L if keyword_set(thrnum) then nthr=abs(thrnum[0]) > 5L thr=(fthr*nmax) > nthr ; ibox=255 & if ! eq 'PS' then ibox=0 & if n_elements(cbox) gt 0 then ibox=byte(cbox[0]) iwhisk=3 & if ! eq 'PS' then iwhisk=34 & if n_elements(cwhisk) gt 0 then iwhisk=byte(cwhisk[0]) idots=4 & if n_elements(cdots) gt 0 then idots=byte(cdots[0]) ibest=8 & if n_elements(cbest) gt 0 then ibest=byte(cbest[0]) imode=1 & if n_elements(cmode) gt 0 then imode=byte(cmode[0]) inum=9 & if n_elements(cnum) gt 0 then inum=byte(cnum[0]) igrey=95 & if n_elements(cgrey) gt 0 then igrey=byte(cgrey[0]) ; dx=median(logT[1:*]-logT) ot=where(hidx gt thr,mot) if mot eq 0 then begin message,'THRESHOLD for selecting T bins to plot ('+strtrim(thr,2)+'; cf. NSIM='+strtrim(NSIM,2)+') seems to be set too high.',/informational message,'There is nothing to plot. Quitting.',/informational return endif xmin=min(logT[ot],max=xmax) & xrng=[xmin-dx,xmax+dx] if n_elements(xrange) eq 2 then xrng=xrange ymin=min(demarr,max=ymax) & yrng=[ymin/2.,ymax*2.] ;DEMARR comes from SIMDEM comes from SAVEDEM if n_elements(yrange) eq 2 then yrng=yrange if keyword_set(xtitle) then xttl=strjoin(xtitle) if keyword_set(ytitle) then yttl=strjoin(ytitle) if keyword_set(title) then ttl=strjoin(title) ; ullab='' & if keyword_set(labul) then ullab=strtrim(labul,2) urlab='' & if keyword_set(labur) then urlab=strtrim(labur,2) lllab='' & if keyword_set(labll) then lllab=strtrim(labll,2) lrlab='' & if keyword_set(lablr) then lrlab=strtrim(lablr,2) ; draw the axes plot,[0],/nodata,xrange=xrng,yrange=yrng,/ylog,/xs,/ys,$ xtitle=xttl,ytitle=yttl,title=ttl,$ thick=th,xthick=th,ythick=th,charthick=th,charsize=cs,$ _extra=e ; step through the temperatures ileft=nT & iright=-1L for i=0L,nT-1L do begin ;this is not needed, but here just to show how it could be done: ok=ri[ri[i]:ri[i+1L]-1L] nidx=ri[i+1L]-ri[i] if nidx gt thr then begin sdem=demarr[i,0L:nsim-1L] os=sort(sdem) & ssdem=sdem[os] ;sorted DEMARR == SIMDEM lsdem=alog10(ssdem) ;log sorted DEMARR == SIMDEM bdem=demarr[i,nsim] ;best DEM lmdem=modalpoint(lsdem) & jnk=min(abs(lsdem-lmdem),jmode) ;mode of log DEMARR == SIMDEM and index of mode in sorted DEMARR == SIMDEM mindem=min(lsdem,max=maxdem) ;range of log DEMARR == SIMDEM w50=fltarr(nsim)+(maxdem-mindem) j0=(jmode-nsim/2+1L) > 0L ;j1=(jmode+nsim/2-1L) < (nsim/2-1L) ;old code -- incorrect j1=jmode < (nsim/2-1L) ;this stops looking when the lower bound goes above the mode for j=j0,j1 do w50[j]=lsdem[j+nsim/2-1L]-lsdem[j] wmin=min(w50,imin) ;smallest width that includes mode jnk=min(abs(alog10(ssdem[imin])-alog10(sdem)),jsim) ;iteration index that corresponds to this mode kmin=imin kmax=imin+nsim/2-1L ;if kmin lt 0 then begin & kmin=0L & kmax=nsim/2 & endif ;this is an unnecessary check ;if kmax gt nsim-1L then begin & kmax=nsim-1L & kmin=nsim/2 & endif ;this is an unnecessary check demlo=ssdem[kmin] & demhi=ssdem[kmax] ;50% range of DEMARR == SIMDEM around mode of log DEMARR == SIMDEM ileft = ileft < i iright = iright > i ; draw the dots oy=where(ssdem le demlo or ssdem ge demhi,moy) if idots gt 0 and moy gt 0 then oplot,logT[i]+fltarr(moy),ssdem[oy],psym=8,color=idots ; draw the whiskers if iwhisk gt 0 then begin oplot,logT[i]*[1,1],[demhi,10.D^(maxdem)],color=iwhisk oplot,logT[i]*[1,1],[demlo,10.D^(mindem)],color=iwhisk oplot,logT[i]+dx*0.25*[-1,1],10.D^(maxdem)*[1,1],color=iwhisk oplot,logT[i]+dx*0.25*[-1,1],10.D^(mindem)*[1,1],color=iwhisk endif ; draw the solution that goes through the mode if igrey ne 0 then oplot,logT,demarr[*,jsim],color=igrey ; mark the number of samples in this bin if inum ne 0 then xyouts,logT[i],10.D^(mindem)*0.7,strtrim(nidx,2),align=0.5,charsize=0.5,color=inum ; (always) draw the 50% box oplot,logT[i]+dx*0.5*[-1,1,1,-1,-1],[demlo,demlo,demhi,demhi,demlo],color=ibox,thick=th ; draw the mode if imode gt 0 then oplot,logT[i]+dx*0.5*[-1,1],10.D^(lmdem)*[1,1],color=imode,thick=th if lmdem lt alog10(demlo) or lmdem gt alog10(demhi) then stop,'BUG!' endif else begin if nidx gt 1 then begin sdem=demarr[i,0L:nsim-1L] & os=sort(sdem) & ssdem=sdem[os] lsdem=alog10(ssdem) ; draw the dots for the other cases if idots gt 0 then oplot,logT[i]+fltarr(nsim),ssdem,psym=8,color=idots,symsize=0.2 ; draw the whiskers (Note: design decision -- no T-stops at the ends) if iwhisk gt 0 then oplot,logT[i]*[1,1],minmax(sdem),color=iwhisk endif endelse endfor ; plot the best-fit if ibest gt 0 then oplot,logT,demarr[*,nsim],color=ibest,thick=th,line=2,psym=10 ; plot the labels ; (first figure out default y-locations yul=max(demarr[ileft,*])*2. > (yrng[1]/alog10(yrng[1]/yrng[0])) yur=max(demarr[iright,*])*2. > (yrng[1]/alog10(yrng[1]/yrng[0])) yul = yul > yur yur = yur > yul yll=min(demarr[ileft,*])*0.5 < (yrng[0]*alog10(yrng[1]/yrng[0])) ylr=min(demarr[iright,*])*0.5 < (yrng[0]*alog10(yrng[1]/yrng[0])) yll = yll < ylr ylr = ylr < yll ; Y[UL][LR])(override if specified during call if keyword_set(yposul) then yul=yposul[0] if keyword_set(yposur) then yur=yposur[0] if keyword_set(yposll) then yll=yposll[0] if keyword_set(yposlr) then ylr=yposlr[0] ; YPOS[UL][LR]) if keyword_set(ullab) then xyouts,xrng[0]+dx,yul,ullab,align=-1,charsize=cs if keyword_set(urlab) then xyouts,xrng[1]-dx,yur,urlab,align=1,charsize=cs if keyword_set(lllab) then xyouts,xrng[0]+dx,yll,lllab,align=-1,charsize=cs if keyword_set(lrlab) then xyouts,xrng[1]-dx,ylr,lrlab,align=1,charsize=cs ; close out postscript output if nps ne 0 then begin device,/close & set_plot,dname print,'' & print,'$gv '+psfil+' &' & print,'' spawn,'ls -l '+psfil endif if vv gt 1000 then stop,'halting; type .CON to continue' return end