pro exaped,filroot,emis,tlog,wvl,edens,Z,ion,desig,econf,jon,src,$ llist=llist,coco=coco,tlist=tlist,noerg=noerg,okeV=okeV,$ atomdb=atomdb,logT=logT,verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure exaped ; EX APED AD IDL ; extract line and/or continuum emissivity data from an APED file ; ;syntax ; exaped,filroot,emis,tlog,wvl,edens,Z,ion,desig,econf,jon,src,$ ; /llist,/coco,/tlist,/noerg,/okeV,atomdb=atomdb,verbose=verbose ; ;parameters ; filroot [INPUT; required] APED fits file root ; * if this includes a ".fits", the suffix is assumed ; to be already included and nothing extra is added. ; * the suffix '_linelist.fits' is automatically applied, ; so don't specify that part. ; (this is inflexible at this point because we only ; support reading in this file. sometime later on ; the other APED format will also be supported.) ; * looks for ".gz" automatically if the filename ; specified without it does not exist ; emis [OUTPUT; required] emissivity array, of the format ; (NTLOG,NWVL,NEDENS) ; * APED units are [ph cm^3/s], which will be converted ; into [1e-23 ergs cm^3/s] unless the NOERG keyword ; is set ; tlog [OUTPUT; required] log10(Temperature [K]) grid on ; which EMIS are placed ; wvl [OUTPUT; required] wavelength array ; * units are in [Ang] unless the OKEV keyword is set, ; in which case output in [keV] ; edens [OUTPUT; required] electron densities at which ; EMIS have been calculated ; Z [OUTPUT; required] atomic numbers of species producing ; the given line ; ion [OUTPUT; required] ionic state of species corresponding ; to the line ; desig [OUTPUT] (2,NWVL) string array of lower and upper level ; designation ; * currently, just the lower and upper levels ; econf [OUTPUT] (2,NWVL) string array of electron configuration ; of lower and upper levels of the transition in question ; * not implemented yet ; jon [OUTPUT] the ionic state that matters to the ion balance ; * not implemented yet ; src [OUTPUT] numeric code specifiying that this is an APED ; output, set to 3 ; ;keywords ; llist [INPUT] if set, reads from FILROOT_linelist.fits ; * currently this is the only option supported ; coco [INPUT] if set, reads from FILROOT_coco.fits ; * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ; tlist [INPUT] if set, reads from FILROOT_line.fits ; * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ; noerg [INPUT] if set, EMIS will be output in same units as ; in the APED files, i.e., [ph cm^3/s] ; okeV [INPUT] if set, WVL will be converted from [Ang] to [keV] ; atomdb [INPUT] directory containing input file ; * default is !ATOMDB ; * hardcoded default is /data/atomdb/ ; * prepended to FILROOT only if FILROOT does not begin with ; a '/' (UNIX), ':' (MacOS), '\' (Windows), or '[' (VMS?) ; logT [INPUT] if defined as an array, then interpolates/extrapolates ; EMIS(NTLOG,NWVL) to a new grid EMIS(NLOGT,NWVL) prior to ; output. TLOG will be overwritten by LOGT. ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [JUNK] ignore -- here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;subroutines ; SETSYSVAL ; ARRAYEQ ; REBINX ; ;description ; The ATOMDB file format is described in ; ; In this case, the line list (grouped by line) file is read, and ; in particular, only the block EMISSIVITY is read. ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Jul02) ; bug correction when multiple densities are included (VK; Mar03) ; for v2+, always go through the multiple densities code and ignore ; the short cut (VK; May11) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & nf=n_elements(filroot) szf=size(filroot) & nszf=n_elements(szf) if np lt 7 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nf eq 0 then ok='FILROOT is undefined' else $ if nf gt 1 then ok='FILROOT must be a scalar' else $ if szf[nszf-2] ne 7 then ok='FILROOT must be a string' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: exaped,filroot,emis,tlog,wvl,edens,Z,ion,desig,econf,jon,src,$' print,' /llist,/coco,/tlist,/noerg,/okeV,atomdb=atomdb,logT=logT,$' print,' verbose=verbose' print,' EX APED AD IDL: extract emissivities from APED file' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/info return endif ; keywords filsufx='_linelist.fits' ;by default, read from _linelist.fits if keyword_set(tlist) then filsufx='_line.fits' if keyword_set(coco) then filsufx='_coco.fits' if keyword_set(llist) then filsufx='_linelist.fits' if not keyword_set(noerg) then noerg=0 if not keyword_set(okev) then okev=0 vv=0 & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1 apeddir='/data/atomdb/' ivar=0 & defsysv,'!ATOMDB',exists=ivar ;if !ATOMDB exists if ivar ne 0 then setsysval,'ATOMDB',apeddir,/getval if keyword_set(atomdb) then apeddir=strtrim(atomdb,2) ; check input infil=filroot if filsufx eq '_line.fits' then begin message,filsufx+': Sorry, this option has not yet been implemented',/info return endif if filsufx eq '_coco.fits' then begin message,filsufx+': Sorry, this option has not yet been implemented',/info return endif if strpos(filroot,'.fits',0) ge 0 then begin if strpos(filroot,filsufx,0) lt 0 then begin message,filroot+': very likely not in acceptable format; exiting',/info return endif endif else infil=filroot+filsufx c=strmid(infil,0,1) if c ne '/' and c ne ':' and c ne '\' and c ne '[' then $ infil=filepath(infil,root_dir=apeddir) ; fil=findfile(infil,count=ifil) if ifil eq 0 then begin if vv gt 2 then message,infil+': not found; looking for '+infil+'.gz',/info fil=findfile(infil+'.gz',count=ifil) if ifil gt 0 then begin ;infil=infil+'.gz' ;this is not necessary for headfits() and mrdfits()? if vv gt 0 then message,'Reading from '+infil,/info endif else begin message,infil+': not found; exiting',/info return endelse endif else if vv gt 3 then message,'Reading from '+infil,/info if filsufx eq '_linelist.fits' then begin ;(read _linelist.fits ; figure out which extension and read data iext=0 & extnam='' while extnam ne 'EMISSIVITY' do begin iext=iext+1 & hdr=headfits(infil,exten=iext) if strtrim(hdr[0],2) eq '-1' then begin message,infile+': EMISSIVITY block not found; exiting',/info return endif extnam=sxpar(hdr,'EXTNAME') endwhile t=mrdfits(infil,iext) if vv gt 10 then help,t,/struct ; at which temperatures? ttemp=t.TEMPERATURE log_temp=sxpar(hdr,'LOG_TEMP') num_temp=sxpar(hdr,'NUM_TEMP') tempstep=sxpar(hdr,'TEMPSTEP') tempstrt=sxpar(hdr,'TEMPSTRT') tlog=findgen(num_temp)*tempstep+tempstrt if not keyword_set(log_temp) then $ tlog=alog10(findgen(num_temp)*tempstep+tempstrt) ntlog=n_elements(tlog) ; at which wavelengths? wvl=t.Lambda & nwvl=n_elements(wvl) ; at which densities? tdens=t.DENSITY & nmat=n_elements(tdens) edens=reform(tdens[*,0]) edens=edens[uniq(edens,sort(edens))] & idens=bytarr(nmat) for i=0L,n_elements(edens)-1L do begin oo=where(tdens eq edens[i],moo) & if moo gt 0 then idens[oo]=1 if vv gt 10 then kilroy,dot='n_e='+strtrim(edens[i],2)+' ' endfor oo=where(idens eq 0,moo) while moo gt 0 do begin edens=[edens,tdens[oo[0]]] & idens[oo]=1 oo=where(idens eq 0,moo) if vv gt 10 then kilroy,dot='n_e='+strtrim(tdens[oo[0]],2)+' ' endwhile ok=where(edens ne 0,nedens) if nedens eq 0 then begin message,'Cannot understand DENSITY column; exiting',/info return endif else edens=edens[ok] ; from which elements? Z=t.Element & nZ=n_elements(Z) ; what ionic states? ion=t.Ion & nIon=n_elements(Ion) ; levels desig=strarr(2,nwvl) desig[0,*]=strtrim(t.LowerLev,2) desig[1,*]=strtrim(t.UpperLev,2) ; e configurations econf=strarr(2,nwvl) ;hmm. nothing to put here yet. ; which ionic states, really? jon=ion ;see below for correction due to DR lines ; data source src=intarr(nwvl)+3 ; oh, and the emissivities temis=t.EMISSIVITY emis=dblarr(ntlog,nwvl,nedens) n_chan=t.arraysize & f_chan=intarr(nwvl) & t_chan=(t.Temperature)[0,*] if max(t_chan) gt 99 then t_chan=alog10(t_chan) if nedens eq 1 and strpos(atomdb,'v1.') ge 0 then begin ;(this is the fast version for i=0L,nwvl-1L do begin dT=min(abs(tlog-t_chan[i]),j) & f_chan[i]=j if dT gt tempstep then message,'BUG!' endfor i0=0*n_chan & i1=n_chan for iw=0L,nwvl-1 do $ emis[f_chan[iw]:f_chan[iw]+n_chan[iw]-1L,iw,0]=temis[i0[iw]:i1[iw]-1L,iw] endif else begin ;)(painstaking, step by step for iw=0L,nwvl-1L do begin ;{for each wavelength ee=reform(temis[*,iw]) dd=reform(alog10(tdens[*,iw])) & tt=reform(alog10(ttemp[*,iw])) for id=0L,nedens-1L do begin ;{for each density oid=where(abs(dd-alog10(edens[id])) lt 1e-3,moid) if moid gt 0 then begin for it=0L,ntlog-1L do begin ;{for each temperature oit=where(abs(tt[oid]-tlog[it]) lt 1e-3*tempstep,moit) if moit gt 0 then emis[it,iw,id]=ee[oid[oit[0]]] endfor ;IT=0,NTLOG-1} endif else if vv gt 100 then kilroy,dot='x' endfor ;ID=0,NEDENS-1} if vv gt 10 then kilroy else $ if vv gt 0 and iw eq 100L*long(iw/100L) then kilroy if vv-1000L eq iw then stop,'halting; type .CON to continue' endfor ;IW=0,NWVL-1} endelse ;NEDENS?1 for v1.3 and earlier) ;for i=0L,nwvl-1L do begin ;dT=min(abs(tlog-t_chan[i]),j) & f_chan[i]=j ;if dT gt tempstep then message,'BUG!' ;endfor ;for id=0,nedens-1 do begin ;i0=id*n_chan & i1=(id+1L)*n_chan ;for iw=0L,nwvl-1 do begin ;;emis[f_chan[iw]:f_chan[iw]+n_chan[iw]-1L,iw,id]=temis[i0[iw]:i1[iw]-1L,iw] ;j0=f_chan[iw]+id*nedens & j1=j0+n_chan[iw]/nedens-1L ;emis[j0:j1,iw,id]=temis[i0[iw]:i1[iw]-1L,iw] ;endfor ;endfor ; DR lines have upper levels > 10000 odr=where(t.UpperLev gt 10000,modr) if modr gt 0 then begin desig[0,odr]=desig[0,odr]+' (DR)' jon[odr]=jon[odr]+1 endif endif ;read _linelist.fits) if filsufx eq '_coco.fits' then begin ;(read _coco.fits message,'not implemented yet, sorry',/info endif ;read _coco.fits) if filsufx eq '_line.fits' then begin ;(read _line.fits message,'not implemented yet, sorry',/info endif ;read _line.fits) ; convert from [ph cm^3/s] to [1e-23 ergs cm^3/s] h=6.626176e-27 & c=2.9979e10 ;[ergs s] & [cm/s] nrg=h*c*1e8/abs(wvl) ;[ergs/ph] if not keyword_set(noerg) then ph2erg=nrg*1e23 else $ ;[1e-23 ergs/ph] ph2erg=1. for i=0L,ntlog-1L do for k=0L,nedens-1 do emis[i,*,k]=emis[i,*,k]*ph2erg[*] ; regrid, if necessary nlogT=n_elements(logT) if nlogT gt 1 then begin ieq=arrayeq(Tlog,logT) if ieq ne 1 then begin if vv gt 0 then message,'Regridding the emissivities to match LOGT',/info tmp=dblarr(nlogT,nwvl,nedens) for i=0,nedens-1 do begin if vv gt 1 then message,'EDENS='+strtrim(edens[i],2),/info tmp1=reform(emis[*,*,i]) tmp2=rebinx(tmp1,Tlog,logT,verbose=vv) tmp[*,*,i]=tmp2[*,*] endfor emis=tmp & Tlog=logT endif endif else begin if nlogT eq 1 and vv gt 1 then begin if logT[0] gt 0 then message,$ 'LOGT must have at least 2 elements; ignoring',/info else $ message,'LOGT=0? cannot understand',/info endif endelse if keyword_set(okeV) then wvl=nrg/1.6021892e-9 ;[ergs]/[ergs/keV] return end