function translabel,chianti,wmn=wmn,wmx=wmx,tex=tex,config=config, _extra=e ;+ ;function translabel ; returns 2D array describing the levels involved in each transition ; array(0,*) are lower levels, and array(1,*) are upper levels ; ; if DR transitions, then a "(DR)" tag is appended to the lower level ; designations. ; ;usage ; trans=translabel(chianti,wmn=wmn,wmx=wmx,/tex,config=config) ; ;parameters ; chianti [INPUT; required] structure that contains all the relevant ; information gleaned from the CHIANTI database (type ; DBHELP=RD_CHIANTI() & HELP,DBHELP,/STRUCTURE ; for a description of what this structure contains) ; ;keywords ; wmn [INPUT; default=0 Ang] only include wavelengths > WMN ; wmx [INPUT; default=900 Ang] maximum wavelength to include ; tex [INPUT] if set, returns the levels formatted for TeX ; config [OUTPUT] returns the electron configurations of the lower ; and upper levels in 2D array ; * config(0,*) are for lower levels, and config(1,*) are ; for upper levels ; _extra [INPUT] junk -- ignore ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Nov96; based on LATEX_WVL_DEM.PRO of CHIANTI) ; made loops go over long integers (VK; Jun10) ;- np=n_params(0) if np eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: trans=translabel(chianti,config=config,wmn=wmn,wmx=wmx,/tex)' print,' returns 2D array describing levels involved in transitions' return,-1L endif ;check keywords if not keyword_set(wmn) then wmn=0. if not keyword_set(wmx) then wmx=900. trans=strarr(2,1) & config=trans ;extract from structure wvl=chianti.wvl ;wavelengths llo=chianti.lev1 & lup=chianti.lev2 ;lower and upper levels jj=chianti.j & ll=chianti.l & ;J,L,2S+1 term=chianti.term ;e configurations delec=chianti.DR ;DR transition? ;initialize spd=['S','P','D','F','G','H','I','K','?'] ;designation intj=where(fix(jj) eq jj,nintj) ;integer Js fltj=where(fix(jj) ne jj,nfltj) ;half-integer Js strj=strarr(n_elements(jj)) if nintj gt 0 then strj(intj)=strtrim(string(jj(intj),'(i2)'),2) if nfltj gt 0 then begin strj(fltj)=strtrim(string(2*jj(fltj),'(i2)'),2) strj(fltj)=strj(fltj)+'/2' endif ; any transitions in this range? oo=where(abs(wvl) gt wmn and abs(wvl) le wmx,moo) if moo eq 0 then begin ; message,'none in this wavelength range',/info & return,trans endif trans=strarr(2,moo) & config=trans ;...yes for i=0L,moo-1L do begin ;for each transition... j=oo(i) & jl=llo(j)-1 & ju=lup(j)-1 spin_lo=strtrim(string(ss(jl),'(i2)'),2) ;lower level... spin_up=strtrim(string(ss(ju),'(i2)'),2) ;upper level... ispd_lo=ll(jl) & ispd_up=ll(ju) spd_lo=spd([ispd_lo]) & spd_up=spd([ispd_up]) ;S/P/D/... j_lo=strj(jl) & j_up=strj(ju) ;J value t_lo='' & t_up='' ;e configuration cl=strtrim(term(jl),2) & cu=strtrim(term(ju),2) bl=rstrpos(cl,' ') & if bl eq -1 then t_lo='' else t_lo=strmid(cl,0,bl) bu=rstrpos(cu,' ') & if bu eq -1 then t_up='' else t_up=strmid(cu,0,bu) ; drstr='' & if keyword_set(delec) then drstr=' (DR) ' if keyword_set(tex) then begin trans(0,i)='$\^{'+spin_lo+'} '+spd_lo+'_{'+j_lo+'}'+drstr+'$' trans(1,i)='$\^{'+spin_up+'} '+spd_up+'_{'+j_up+'}$' endif else begin trans(0,i)=spin_lo+spd_lo+'_'+j_lo+drstr trans(1,i)=spin_up+spd_up+'_'+j_up endelse config(0,i)=t_lo & config(1,i)=t_up endfor return,trans end