function curvesect,y1,y2,xpt, verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;function curvesect ; finds and returns the point(s) of intersection of two curves ; ;syntax ; xy=curvesect(y1,y2,xpt,verbose=verbose) ; ;parameters ; y1 [INPUT; required] points of curve Y1(X) ; y2 [INPUT; required] points of curve Y2(X) ; * Y1 and Y2 must be defined on the same grid ; xpt [INPUT] x-coordinates of Y1 and Y2 ; * if not supplied, uses the array index ; ;keywords ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;restrictions ; only returns the intersections within the domain of XPT ; inputs must be sorted in X ; ;description ; a very simple algorithm that checks whether two curves ; have any crossings, and if they do, finds the point of ; intersection using the line segments that connect across ; the crossings. Don't push it. ; ;example ; .run curvesect ; ;history ; Vinay Kashyap (2012dec) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & n1=n_elements(y1) & n2=n_elements(y2) if np lt 2 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if n1 eq 0 then ok='Y1 is not defined' else $ if n2 eq 0 then ok='Y2 is not defined' else $ if n1 ne n2 then ok='Y1 and Y2 must be on same grid' else $ if n1 lt 2 then ok='curves must have at least 2 points' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: xy=curvesect(y1,y2,xpt,verbose=verbose)' print,' finds and returns points of intersection between Y1 and Y2' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational return,-1L endif ; initialize vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1L xx=findgen(n1) & nx=n_elements(xpt) if nx eq n1 then xx=xpt else if vv gt 0 then message,$ 'XPT incompatible with Y1 and Y2; using array indices',/informational ; are there any intersections at all? i1=y1 gt y2 ti1=total(i1) if ti1 eq 0 or ti1 eq n1 then begin ;(one curve lies entirely above the other message,'No intersections in this range',/informational return,[!values.F_NAN,!values.F_NAN] endif ;ti1=0 or ti1=N1) ; how many intersections? di1=i1[1:*]-i1 od1=where(di1 ne 0,nsec) ;if mod1 ne nsec then message,'BUG!' ;for each intersection, find the adjacent points and find the intersect of the segment ; y-y10 = m1 * (x-x0) ==> y = m1*x + (y10-m1*x0) ; similarly, y = m2*x + (y20-m2*x0) ; so (m1-m2)*x_int = (y20-m2*x0)-(y10-m1*x0) ==> x_int = ((y20-y10)-x0*(m2-m1))/(m1-m2) ; and y_int = m1*x_int + (y10-m1*x0) xy=fltarr(2,nsec) for i=0L,nsec-1L do begin k0=od1[i] & k1=k0+1 dx=xx[k1]-xx[k0] & dy1=y1[k1]-y1[k0] & dy2=y2[k1]-y2[k0] m1=dy1/dx & m2=dy2/dx if m1 eq m2 then begin xy[*,i]=[xx[k0],y1[k0]] continue ;skip to next point endif xint=((y2[k0]-y1[k0])-xx[k0]*(m2-m1))/(m1-m2) yint=0.5*((m1*xint+(y1[k0]-m1*xx[k0])) + (m2*xint+(y2[k0]-m2*xx[k0]))) xy[*,i]=[xint,yint] endfor if vv gt 10000 then stop,'HALTing; type .CON to continue' return,xy end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;example usage if not keyword_set(verbose) then verbose=1 xpt=findgen(20) & y1=xpt^2-20*x+100. & y2=1*xpt+40 plot,xpt,y1,psym=-1,xtitle='X',ytitle='Y',title='[PINTofALE]',line=1 & oplot,xpt,y2,psym=-1,line=1 xy=curvesect(y1,y2,xpt,verbose=verbose) oplot,xy[0,*],xy[1,*],psym=4,symsize=2 end