pro generatio,fx,rcode,rx,fxerr=fxerr,rxerr=rxerr,verbose=verbose,$ dfx_mul=dfx_mul,dfx_add=dfx_add, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure generatio ; a generalized mechanism to compute flux ratios and errors ; from given input fluxes and a well-defined definition of ; how the ratios are constructed ; ; all of the input fluxes are assumed to be independent ; of each other and uncorrelated ; ;syntax ; generatio,fx,rcode,rx,fxerr=fxerr,rxerr=rxerr,verbose=v,$ ; dfx_mul=dfx_mul,dfx_add=dfx_add ; ;parameters ; fx [INPUT; required] input fluxes ; rcode [INPUT] string array describing which of the ; input fluxes must be considered only as ratios ; * basic format is: "sP#[,sP#[,...]]" where ; -- "#" is an integer flag describing the ratio being ; constructed ; -- "P" is a positional descriptor and can take on ; values N (for numerator) or D (for denominator) ; -- "s" stands for the sign with which the flux ; goes into the ratio "+" or "-" ; * e.g., to construct a simple ratio FX[2]/FX[1], ; RCODE=['','+D1','+N1'] ; * e.g., to construct two hardness ratios ; FX[3]/FX[1] and ; (FX[3]-FX[1])/(FX[3]+FX[1]), ; RCODE=['','+D1,-N2,+D2','','+N1,+N2,+D2'] ; * if size is incompatible with FX, then no action ; is taken. ; rx [OUTPUT] array of ratios constructed using FX and RCODE ; ;keywords ; fxerr [INPUT] 1-sigma errors on FX ; * size must match that of FX. otherwise, ; -- if single-element, assumed to represent ; -- a fractional error if >0 and <1 ; -- a percentage error if >1 and <100 ; -- an abs(constant) error if >100 or <0 ; -- ignored otherwise ; rxerr [OUTPUT] 1-sigma errors on RX, computed only if FXERR ; is given and is legal ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; dfx_mul [INPUT] multiplicative factor by which to jiggle FX ; while computing partial derivatives to propagate ; errors (default is 0.05) ; * if scalar, taken to be same factor for all FX ; * if vector, must be of same size as FX ; dfx_add [INPUT] additive factor by which to jiggle FX ; while computing partial derivatives to propagate ; errors (default is 0.05*FXERR) ; * if scalar, taken to be same offset for all FX ; * if vector, must be of same size as FX ; _extra [JUNK] here only to avoid crashing the program ; ;example ; ;this makes the ratios FX[0]/FX[1] and (FX[1]-FX[0])/(FX[1]+FX[0]) ; fx=[10.,5.] & fxerr=0.1 & rcode=['+N1,-N2,+D2','+D1,+N2,+D2'] ; generatio,fx,rcode,rx,fxerr=fxerr,rxerr=rxerr ; for i=0,n_elements(rx)-1 do print,rx[i],' +- ',rxerr[i] ; ; Warning: The numeral suffix in the ratio specification is ; only as a placeholder to determine uniqueness and does _not_ ; translate to the index in the output. For example, try: ; fx=[1.,2.,1.,3.,1.,4.,1.,5.,1.,6.] ; rcode=['+D1','+N1','+D2','+N2','+N3','+D3','+N4','+D4','+D5','+N5'] ; generatio,fx,rcode,rx,verbose=100 ; print,rcode & print,rx ; generatio,fx,reverse(rcode),rx_reverse,verbose=100 ; print,reverse(rcode) & print,rx_reverse ; ;subroutines ; IS_KEYWORD_SET ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Nov'02) ; cosmetic changes (VK; Dec'02) ; won't spit out error messages if RCODE is 'X', though the FX ; corresponding to that is ignored (VK; Apr'03) ; added warning about ratio sequence -- it's a feature, not a bug; ; corrected bug in case of sequence number exceeding 9 (VK; Dec'03) ; now lets specifying just numerator or just denominator (VK,LL; Jun'04) ; updated for IDL5.6 keyword_set([0]) behavior change for vectors ; (VK; 20Mar2006) ; changed DFX_ADD and DFX_MUL to be arrays of same size as FX ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & nfx=n_elements(fx) & nrc=n_elements(rcode) szrc=size(rcode,/tname) if np le 1 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nfx eq 0 then ok='FX undefined' else $ if szrc ne 'STRING' then ok='RCODE must be a string array' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: generatio,fx,rcode,rx,fxerr=fxerr,rxerr=rxerr,verbose=v,$' print,' dfx_mul=dfx_mul,dfx_add=dfx_add' print,' compute ratios from input fluxes FX' print,' RCODE format is: sP#[,sP#[,...]], e.g., "[-N1,+D1]"' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational return endif ; check inputs vv=0 & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1 ; ok='ok' if nrc eq 0 then ok='RCODE undefined; returning' else $ if nrc ne nfx then ok='RCODE scrambled; returning' if ok ne 'ok' then begin if vv gt 1 then message,ok,/informational & return endif ; parse RCODE idxrat=0 ; first find out how many ratios we are dealing with for i=0L,nrc-1L do begin ;{for each flux value cc=strtrim(rcode[i],2) ss=str_sep(cc,',') & nss=n_elements(ss) for j=0L,nss-1L do begin ;{for each use of flux in some ratio c1=strmid(ss[j],0,1) c2=strlowcase(strmid(ss[j],1,1)) c3=strmid(ss[j],2,10000) ok='ok' if c1 eq '' then ok='' else $ if strlowcase(c1) eq 'x' then ok='X' else $ if c1 ne '+' and c1 ne '-' then $ ok='sP#: format must start with sign' else $ if c2 eq '' or c2 eq ' ' then ok='' else $ if c2 ne 'n' and c2 ne 'd' then $ ok='sP#: format must specify Numerator or Denominator' else $ if c3 eq '' or c3 eq ' ' then ok='' else $ if c3 eq '' then $ ok='sP#: format must end with unique numerical index' if ok eq 'ok' then begin ;(correct format rr=c1+'F'+strtrim(i,2) if is_keyword_set(idxrat) then begin ;(not the first ratio k=long(c3) & oo=where(idxrat eq k,moo) if moo eq 0 then begin ;(new ratio idxrat=[idxrat,k] & nidx=n_elements(idxrat) if c2 eq 'n' then begin ratnum=[ratnum,rr] & ratden=[ratden,''] endif else begin ratden=[ratden,rr] & ratnum=[ratnum,''] endelse endif else begin ;new)(existing ratio if c2 eq 'n' then ratnum[oo[0]]=ratnum[oo[0]]+rr else $ ratden[oo[0]]=ratden[oo[0]]+rr endelse ;existing ratio) endif else begin ;not first)(first ratio k=long(c3) & idxrat=[k] if c2 eq 'n' then begin ratnum=[rr] & ratden=[''] endif else begin ratden=[rr] & ratnum=[''] endelse endelse ;whichth ratio) if vv gt 50 then print,rr,j,i endif else begin ;format OK)(not OK if ok ne '' and ok ne 'X' then message,ok,/informational endelse ;format) endfor ;J=0,NSS-1} endfor ;I=0,NRC-1} ; create new variables F0..(NFX-1) for i=0L,nfx-1L do jnk=execute('F'+strtrim(i,2)+'=fx['+strtrim(i,2)+']') ; and make the ratios nrat=n_elements(ratnum) if nrat eq 0 then begin if vv gt 1 then message,'No ratios to compute; returning.',/informational return endif rx=fltarr(nrat) & rxerr=rx for i=0L,nrat-1L do begin cc='rx['+strtrim(i,2)+']=' if strtrim(ratnum[i],2) ne '' then cc=cc+'('+ratnum[i]+')' else cc=cc+'1.' if strtrim(ratden[i],2) ne '' then cc=cc+'/('+ratden[i]+')' if vv gt 50 then print,cc & jnk=execute(cc) if vv gt 200 then stop,'Halting. type .CON to continue' endfor if arg_present(fxerr) then begin ;(propagate errors? nfxe=n_elements(fxerr) if nfxe eq nfx then fxe=fxerr else begin ;(just what is FXERR? if nfxe eq 1 then begin ;(scale the errors if fxerr[0] lt 0 then fxe=0.*fx+abs(fxerr[0]) else $ if fxerr[0] lt 1 then fxe=fx*fxerr[0] else $ if fxerr[0] lt 100 then fxe=fx*fxerr[0]/100. else $ fxe=0.*fx+fxerr[0] endif else begin ;NFXE=1)( if vv gt 1 then message,'FXERR incompatible with FX; ignoring',$ /informational return endelse ;NFXE ? 1) endelse ;FXERR) ; ; compute partial derivatives ; by brute force because we don't know the exact form of the ; ratio until run time. so compute the value of the ratio ; at two points upstream and downstream of each Fx, and ; compute delta(ratio)/delta(flux) as the partials dmul=0.05+fltarr(nfx) & dadd=0.05*fxerr if n_elements(dfx_mul) eq 1 then dmul[*]=dfx_mul[0] else $ if n_elements(dfx_mul) eq nfx then dmul=dfx_mul if n_elements(dfx_add) eq 1 then dadd[*]=dfx_add[0] else $ if n_elements(dfx_add) eq nfx then dadd=dfx_add drx_dfx=fltarr(nrat,nfx) & fxp=fltarr(nfx) & fxm=fltarr(nfx) for i=0L,nfx-1L do jnk=execute('FXP['+strtrim(i,2)+']=(1.+dmul[i])*fx['+$ strtrim(i,2)+']+dadd[i]') for i=0L,nfx-1L do jnk=execute('FXM['+strtrim(i,2)+']=(1.-dmul[i])*fx['+$ strtrim(i,2)+']-dadd[i]') for i=0L,nrat-1L do begin ;{for each ratio in question for j=0L,nfx-1L do begin ;{for each flux value in the list ;this seems like overkill.. for k=0L,nfx-1L do jnk=execute('F'+strtrim(k,2)+'=fx['+strtrim(k,2)+']') ; get ratio at upstream point jnk=execute('F'+strtrim(j,2)+'=FXP['+strtrim(j,2)+']') cc='RXP=' & if strtrim(ratnum[i],2) ne '' then cc=cc+'('+ratnum[i]+')' else cc=cc+'1.' if strtrim(ratden[i],2) ne '' then cc=cc+'/('+ratden[i]+')' jnk=execute(cc) jnk=execute('F'+strtrim(j,2)+'=FXM['+strtrim(j,2)+']') ; get ratio at downstream point cc='RXM=' & if strtrim(ratnum[i],2) ne '' then cc=cc+'('+ratnum[i]+')' else cc=cc+'1.' if strtrim(ratden[i],2) ne '' then cc=cc+'/('+ratden[i]+')' jnk=execute(cc) ;jnk=execute('RXM=('+ratnum[i]+')/('+ratden[i]+')') ; partial derivative drx_dfx[i,j]=(rxp-rxm)/(fxp[j]-fxm[j]) ; reset Fj jnk=execute('F'+strtrim(j,2)+'=fx['+strtrim(j,2)+']') endfor ;J=0,NFX-1} rxerr[i]=sqrt(total(drx_dfx[i,*]^2*fxerr^2)) endfor ;I=0,NRAT-1} endif ;propagate errors) return end