function morfo_segmento,image,areas,thresh=thresh,arclev=arclev,$ subidx=subidx,hardcut=hardcut,deepimg=deepimg,verbose=verbose,$ _extra=e ;+ ;function morfo_segmento ; percolates along adjacent connected pixels in a bitmap ; until all the pixels that are connected to each other get ; grouped into contiguous regions and are so labeled; an image ; containing the region numbers for each pixel is returned ; ;syntax ; oimg=morfo_segmento(img,areas,thresh=thresh,arclev=arclev,$ ; subidx=subidx,/hardcut,deepimg=deepimg,verbose=verbose) ; ;parameters ; image [INPUT; required] 2D image in which to separate ; out the connected blobs ; * the blobs are defined as any pixel with intensity>0 ; unless keyword THRESH is set ; areas [OUTPUT] number of pixels in each labeled region ; * remember the IDL index shift! AREAS[0] is the number ; of pixels in the background, and AREAS[SOURCE] gives ; the number of pixels that constitute the blob SOURCE ; ;keywords ; thresh [INPUT] the threshold value at which to convert ; the input image into a bitmap ; * if not set, assumed to be 0 ; arclev [INPUT] fraction of the maximum area size to keep ; in the output -- all regions of size smaller than ; this are zeroed out ; * default is 0, i.e., no filtering is done ; * if .le. -1, taken to be an absolute value cut ; if .gt. -1 && .lt. 0, absolute value is choosen ; if .ge. 1 && .lt. 100, assumed to be percentage ; if .ge. 100, assumed to be 1-1/ARCLEV ; subidx [INPUT] index array defining a subset of IMAGE ; to which one must confine attention ; * if not set, assumed to be LINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(IMAGE)) ; hardcut [INPUT] if set, places a hard cut at the boundaries ; defined by SUBIDX -- the default is to track the region ; out of SUBIDX if any part of it overlaps ; deepimg [OUTPUT] an image that depicts the depth at which a ; particular pixel was added to a blob ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;description ; this is an updated version of morfo_filtri(), and is much faster ; because it uses a few algorithmic and IDL tricks to speed things ; up. for example, rather than do a linear search going through ; every pixel once, it does array operations. each pixel is initially ; assigned a unique number, and at each iteration, the numbers of ; each adjacent pixels are compared and the smallest of the numbers ; is assigned to all of them. thus, all the pixels that belong to ; each blob end up having the same number. these numbers are then ; recast into a gap-free sequence thereafter. ; note: there will be no significant improvements in speed in some ; special cases, such as if there is a very large connected region; ; this is never *slower* than morfo_filtri() however. ; ;subroutines ; KILROY ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Sep2006; based on ; added keywords ARCLEV and _EXTRA (VK; May2007) ; was failing when there was only one blob (VK; Jun2007) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & ni=n_elements(image) & szi=size(image) if np eq 0 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if ni eq 0 then ok='IMAGE is undefined' else $ if szi[1] eq 1 then ok='IMAGE X-axis is collapsed' else $ if szi[2] eq 1 then ok='IMAGE Y-axis is collapsed' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: oimage=morfo_segmento(image,areas,thresh=thresh,$' print,' subidx=subidx,verbose=verbose)' print,' percolates to find connected blobs of pixels' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational return,-1L endif nx=szi[1] & ny=szi[2] ; keywords thr=0. & if keyword_set(thresh) then thr=thresh[0] vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1 subimg=0*image+1 & nsub=n_elements(subidx) if nsub gt 0 then begin subimg[*]=0 & subimg[subidx]=1 endif arthr=0. if keyword_set(arclev) then begin tmp=0.0+arclev[0] if tmp lt -1 then arthr=abs(tmp) else begin if tmp lt 0 then arthr=abs(tmp) if tmp ge 0 and tmp lt 1 then arthr=tmp if tmp ge 1 and tmp lt 100 then arthr=tmp/100. if tmp ge 100 then arthr=(1.D - 1./tmp) endelse endif ; convert input image to a bitmap img = image gt thr ; initialize idx=where(img ne 0,midx) if midx eq 0 then begin message,'No blobs found in image',/informational areas=[midx] return,img endif ; ix = idx mod nx iy = idx / nx idximg=0*long(image) & idximg[idx]=lindgen(midx)+1 ; sidx=where(idximg gt 0 and subimg eq 0,msidx) if msidx gt 0 then begin if keyword_set(hardcut) then begin idximg[sidx]=0 idx=where(idximg ne 0,midx) ix = idx mod nx iy = idx / nx if midx gt 0 then idximg[idx]=lindgen(midx)+1 endif else begin idximg[sidx]=midx+1L endelse endif if vv gt 3000 then stop,'HALTING; type .CON to continue' ; percolate and identify all segments nuncorr=total(idximg) & depth=0L & deepimg=long(idximg gt 0) while nuncorr gt 0 do begin tmp=idximg jx=ix+1L & jy=iy+0L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) jx=ix-1L & jy=iy+0L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) jx=ix+0L & jy=iy+1L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) jx=ix+0L & jy=iy-1L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) jx=ix+1L & jy=iy+1L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) jx=ix-1L & jy=iy+1L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) jx=ix+1L & jy=iy-1L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) jx=ix-1L & jy=iy-1L & idximg[jx,jy]=idximg[jx,jy] < (idximg[ix,iy]) ; nuncorr=total(tmp-idximg) depth=depth+1L deepimg=deepimg + ((tmp-idximg) gt 0) ; if vv gt 0 then kilroy if vv gt 10 then tvscl,idximg ;if vv gt 10 then tvscl,deepimg endwhile if vv gt 2000 then stop,'HALTING; type .CON to continue' ; output oimg=long(0*idximg) ; this is what it would look like for readability's sake ;ilab=idximg[uniq(idximg,sort(idximg))] & nlabels=n_elements(ilab) ;areas=fltarr(nlabels+1) & areas[0]=nx*ny-midx ;how many pixels in the background? ;for i=0L,nlabels-1L do begin ; ok=where(idximg eq ilab[i] and ilab[i] lt midx,mok) ; areas[i+1L]=mok & if mok gt 0 then oimg[ok]=i+1L ;endfor ; and this is what it looks like for speed's sake h=histogram(idximg,min=0,reverse_indices=ri) nh=n_elements(h) ;generally equals max(idximg)+1 rvec=ri[0L:nh] & drvec=rvec[1:*]-rvec & ilab=where(drvec ne 0,nlabels) areas=fltarr(nlabels) ; for i=0L,nlabels-1L do begin j=ilab[i] areas[i]=drvec[j] oimg[ri[ri[j]:ri[j+1L]-1L]]=i endfor ; if keyword_set(arthr) then begin if arthr gt 0 and arthr lt 1 then begin tmpar=areas[1:*] os=sort(tmpar) & careas=total(tmpar[os],/cumul) if nlabels gt 1 then begin cf=findgen(nlabels-1L)/(nlabels-1L) if nlabels gt 2 then areacut=interpol(tmpar[os],cf,arthr) else $ areacut=0. endif else areacut=areas[0]*0.9 endif else areacut=arthr for i=0L,nlabels-1L do begin j=ilab[i] if areas[i] lt areacut then oimg[ri[ri[j]:ri[j+1L]-1L]]=0 endfor endif if vv gt 1000 then stop,'HALTING; type .CON to continue' return,oimg end