function sdss2flux,mag,uband=uband,gband=gband,rband=rband,iband=iband,zband=zband,$ verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;function sdss2flux ; convert SDSS asinh magnitudes to fluxes in ergs/s/cm^2/Hz ; ;syntax ; fx=sdss2flux(mag,/gband,/rband,/iband,/zband,/uband,verbose=verbose) ; ;parameters ; mag [INPUT; required] SDSS (asinh) magnitude ; * could be scalar or array ; ;keywords ; uband [INPUT] input is u mags ; gband [INPUT] input is g mags ; rband [INPUT] input is r mags ; iband [INPUT] input is i mags ; zband [INPUT] input is z mags ; * default is GBAND ; * if multiple keywords are set, ; GBAND > RBAND > IBAND > ZBAND > UBAND ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;description ; see SDSS photometric calibration documents ; ; ; ; ;example ; print, 'solar luminosity in g band = ',sdss2flux(4.7,/gband)*4.*!dpi*(3.1d18*10.)^2 ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (2014sep16) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & nm=n_elements(mag) if np eq 0 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nm eq 0 then ok='MAG is undefined' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: fx=sdss2flux(mag,/gband,/rband,/iband,/zband,/uband,verbose=verbose)' print,' convert SDSS (asinh) magnitudes to flux' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational return,-1L endif ; which band? vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1L iu=0 & if keyword_set(uband) then iu=1 iz=0 & if keyword_set(zband) then iz=1 & if iz eq 1 then begin & iu=0 & endif ii=0 & if keyword_set(iband) then ii=1 & if ii eq 1 then begin & iu=0 & iz=0 & endif ir=0 & if keyword_set(rband) then ir=1 & if ir eq 1 then begin & iu=0 & iz=0 & ii=0 & endif ig=0 & if keyword_set(gband) then ig=1 & if ig eq 1 then begin & iu=0 & iz=0 & ii=0 & ir=0 & endif if iu+ig+ir+ii+iz eq 0 then ig=1 ; initialize inicon,fundae=ff ubsoft = 1.4e-10 & udmag = -0.04 & ufreq0=ff.c/3524e-8 & udfreq=ufreq0*(599./3557.) gbsoft = 0.9e-10 & gdmag = 0.00 & gfreq0=ff.c/4714e-8 & gdfreq=gfreq0*(1379./4825.) rbsoft = 1.2e-10 & rdmag = 0.00 & rfreq0=ff.c/6182e-8 & rdfreq=rfreq0*(1382./6261.) ibsoft = 1.8e-10 & idmag = 0.00 & ifreq0=ff.c/7592e-8 & idfreq=ifreq0*(1535./7672.) zbsoft = 7.4e-10 & zdmag = 0.02 & zfreq0=ff.c/9003e-8 & zdfreq=zfreq0*(1370./9097.) if iu eq 1 then begin & bsoft=ubsoft & dmag=udmag & dfreq=udfreq & endif if ig eq 1 then begin & bsoft=gbsoft & dmag=gdmag & dfreq=gdfreq & endif if ir eq 1 then begin & bsoft=rbsoft & dmag=rdmag & dfreq=rdfreq & endif if ii eq 1 then begin & bsoft=ibsoft & dmag=idmag & dfreq=idfreq & endif if iz eq 1 then begin & bsoft=zbsoft & dmag=zdmag & dfreq=zdfreq & endif ; convert fbyf0 = sinh(-(mag+dmag)*alog(10.)/2.5 - alog(bsoft))*2*bsoft ;f/f0, where f0 corresponds to 0 mag fband = 3731d-23 * fbyf0 ;f0 is always 3731 Jy, 1 Jy = 1e-26 W Hz-1 m-2 = 1e-23 erg s-1 Hz-1 cm-2 fband = fband * dfreq ;[ergs/s/cm^2/Hz]*[Hz] if vv gt 1000 then stop,'HALTing; type .CON to continue' return,fband end