An energy filter and blocking factor will be applied to match those of the background map. Use the ROSAT broad band background which is a array file at 1/30 the *.qp file resolution, and contains data from PI bins 7-240.
input files: xdata$rp110590.qp; xdata$rp110590_bk1.imh
output file: rp90_a.imh
xr> ximages xi> imcalc input file ('-' for STDIN) or imcalc commands: - # Interactive mode IMC) IMC) rp90_a.imh = xdata$rp110590.qp[bl=30,pi=7:240] - xdata$rp110590_bkl.imh # Select same size and channels as the background map # and subtract the background IMC) quit # To exit the interactive mode and imcalc
The output file is a array containing data in the broad PSPC band.