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Summary of tasks in this section

Name Function Packages Needed
apply_bary apply barycentric corrections to photon arrival times xray:xtiming:timcor
calc_bary compute barycentric corrections to photon arrival times xray:xtiming:timcor
chiplot plot chisquared as a function of period xray:xtiming
fft fast fourier transform period search xray:xtiming
fftplot plot the Fourier coefficients xray:xtiming
fldplot plot the folded light curve xray:xtiming
fold make a folded light curve xray:xtiming
ftpplot plot the distribution of Fourier coefficients xray:xtiming
ksplot plots result of K-S variability test xray:xtiming
ltcplot plot the light curve xray:xtiming
ltcurv makes table of counts vs. time xray:xtiming
period period search by folding xray:xtiming
qpphase calculate photon phase for assumed period xray:xtiming
timfilter list start and stop times of good data intervals xray:xtiming
timplot plot light curves or other tabular information xray:xtiming
timprint list tables on screen xray:xtiming
timsort extraction of time sorted event xray:xtiming
vartst variability test xray:xtiming

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