The satellite ephemeris is used to compute arrival time corrections from the satellite to the solar system barycenter, appropriate to an input celestial position. If the ephemeris data file is in Rev. 0 format, it is converted to RDF format.
input files: (Rev. 0) or (RDF)
output files:,
ti> calc_bary input ephemeris table : xdata$ # A Rev. 0 file root name for output file(s) [root_cor(ephem).tab] : . input RA (hh:mm:ss.s) : 22:08:41.6 input DEC (dd:mm:ss.s) : 45:44:47.3 Converting Rev0 US format EPH file to RDF format ... Opening file: xdata$ 40 rows written to output table. Output file: ./ Output ephemeris table: ./ Computing Correction table ... Opening file: ./ Output Correction table: ./rp110590_cor.tabAlternatively, for RDF input
ti> calc_bary input ephemeris table: xdata$ # an RDF file root name for output file(s) [root_cor(ephem).tab]: . input RA (hh:mm:ss.s): 22:08:41.6 input DEC (dd:mm:ss.s): 45:44:47.3 RDF input ... No conversion!! Output ephemeris table: ./ Computing Correction table ... Opening file: ./ Output Correction table: ./