Next: Filtering ROSAT HRI data
Up: ROSAT HRI Recipes
Previous: Correlating Spectral Data with
Quantum Efficiency Correction (a.k.a. `flat-fielding')
Although the spatial variation of the quantum efficiency
across the HRI is nominally within
10% for most of the detector,
occasionally it may be desirable to flat-field a map with preflight
calibration measurements.
- 1.
- Determine the roll angle of the satellite for the observation.
cl> imhead rh*.qp | match ROLL_NOM
NOTE: The roll angle for US processed REV 0 data is
given with different signs in the header compared to that
of the printout (which is correct). Therefore the above
method should be used only for RDF data.
- 2.
- Retrieve the quantum efficiency map from anonymous ftp at SAO. This
is a 512
512 pixel array with 8
> ftp
> cd /pub/rosat/calfiles
> ascii
> get README
> binary
> get roshri_qe8.fits
> quit
- 3.
- Convert the QE map fits file to an Iraf image file using the task
- 4.
- Rotate the QE map to the rotation of the data.
> images
> rotate
NOTE: use the following parameters
rotation angle= |
(switch the sign of the ROLL_NOM) |
xin=252.5 |
yin=252.5 |
xout=INDEF |
yout=INDEF |
ncols=512 |
nlines=512 |
interpo=poly3 |
boundary=constant |
constant=0.0 |
- 5.
- Store the new gain map image using ``blink" in SaoImage. Under the
item ``scale", click on ``blink" with the mouse button you would like
the image stored under.
- 6.
- Display the image file created from rarc2pros (rh*_im1.imh).
> display rh*_im1.imh
- 7.
- Flip between both images to determine the QE value at the source
position by hitting the mouse button with the stored image. Note
that the ``scale" item in Saoimage must be selected.
- 8.
- Pixel intensities on both maps can be determined by the iraf task
In Iraf:
>listpix "rh*.imh[4050:4070,4070:4090] wcs=physical"
-where the coordinates are the image section of interest.
- 9.
- The source intensity can be relatively corrected to the field center.
The quantum efficiency correction (QEC) is the inverse of the
intensity determined from the QE map at the source position. The
source intensity can be multiplied by the QEC factor to give the
on-axis value. As well as point source corrections, this QEC
factor can also be used for 'flat fielding' extended sources.
N.B. The source intensity correction given in the SASS output
is the QEC factor.
The wobble means that a general area of the detector/QE map
will contribute to any give source; hence the above method
is approximate.
Next: Filtering ROSAT HRI data
Up: ROSAT HRI Recipes
Previous: Correlating Spectral Data with