Write the contents of "*_obs.tab" to an ascii file using these parameter settings for the task 'tdump'.
cl> epar tdump
table = "*_obs.tab" name of table to dump
(cdfile = "STDOUT") output file for column definitions
(pfile = "STDOUT") output file for header parameters
(datafile = "out.asc") output file for table data
(columns = "net") list of columns to be dumped
(rows = "-") range of rows to print
(pwidth = 80) output page width
(mode = "ql")
cl> tdump
>From the FTOOLS package, run 'ascii2pha' on the ascii file.
cl> ftools
ft> heasarc
These parameters should be set as follows.
he> epar ascii2pha
infile = "out.asc" Please enter ASCII pha datafile
outfile = "marx.pha" Please enter output filename
chanpres = no Channel data present?
dtype = 1 Please enter input datatype 1 - counts, 2 - rat
qerror = no Errors present?
rows = "-" List of lines to be read in ASCII file
fchan = 1 First channel number present in ASCII file
tlmin = 1 First legal Detector channel
detchans = 4096 No. of legal Detector channels