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*xexamine* -- examine a qp file

If you have a large (spatial dimensions) qpoe file, the most convenient way to display it is using xexamine. This task works on the full-resolution data file, blocking as appropriate for the display window. The user can zoom, pan and project interactively using the menu items listed; the full-resolution data file is accessed each time:

NOTE: Running xexamine disables commands a user has available in their TV window. After `quiting' xexamine the TV window commands are again enabled. (i.e. SAOimage keyboard commands `s', `e', etc.).

  xp> xexamine xdata$rp110590.qp

The full qpoe file is displayed, blocked appropriately and a single keystroke menu appears.

Source detection

The `s' option determines the maximum likelihood position of the source at the cursor position, tabulating RA, dec, original pixel coordinates, cellcounts etc.. Note that the default cell size is 12 arcsec, appropriate for an HRI image. This can be changed by typing:

  :c 30                 # 30 arcsec cellsize, appropriate for PSPC/IPC

The user should refer to the BEPOS documentation for more information on detect.

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