ei> ecdinfo FITS filename OR sequence number (2952): Einstein instrument (ipc|hri) (ipc): Datatype (event|image|slew|unscreened) (unscreened): event FITS root: i2357s64, extension: a, sequence 2952. Title: I02952 MX2348-65 (MX2348-65: X-RAY TRANSIENTS AND NOVA-LIKE OBJECTS). Ra=23:57:59.8, Dec=-64:05:59.5, livetime: 2020.57 seconds. This sequence should be on the CDROM in the directory ipcevt4$.The sequence you require is on the 4th IPC Event Lists CD ROM. Load the CD ROM into your reader (assumed to be mounted as /cdrom), and set the location of the disk and with eincdpar
ei> eincdpar.ipcevt4="/cdrom/"Then use ecd2pros to create the QPOE file;
ei> ecd2pros input FITS file name OR sequence number: 2952 Einstein instrument (hri|ipc): ipc datatype of FITS file (event|image|slew|unscreened): event root name for output files (.): i2952 Using FITS file /cdrom/data/23h/i2357s64.xpa to create QPOE file. Writing output QPOE file: i2952.qp aux=.convtgr, type=convtgr -> i2952.qp