This section lists all PROS tasks (some of which are not described in
this guide) and some useful IRAF tasks which are included. It is our
intent to add instructions for tasks that are particularly useful in
x-ray analysis. A brief description of all tasks in a given package
can be obtained by typing
and a
complete description of any task with
Package | Task | Description | Section(s) |
dataio | t2d | reads files from tape to disk | 3.2.1 |
tables | strfits | converts FITS to images and/or tables | |
stwfits | converts images and/or tables to FITS | ||
pltpar | display sgraph parameter file in editor | ||
tprint | lists table on screen | ||
images | hedit | header editor | |
imcopy | copy an image | ||
imdelete | delete a list of images | ||
imheader | print an image header | 4.3.1 | |
imlintran | linearly transform a list of 2-D images | 6.7.4 | |
magnify | magnify a list of 1-D or 2-D images | 6.7.4 | |
images:tv | display | displays image on screen | 5.3 |
imexamine | examine images using image display, graphics, and text | 6.2.6 | |
tvmark | mark objects on the image display | 5.6 | |
wcslab | overlay a displayed image with a world coordinate grid | 5.5.4 | |
xray | xapropos | list all tasks related to a given subject | |
xray:xdataio | datarep | convert binary number representations to host computer format | |
efits2qp | convert an Einstein FITS file into an IRAF/PROS QPOE file | ||
fits2qp | convert from BINTABLE FITS format to PROS QPOE format | 3.6.2 | |
hkfilter | generate a QPOE time filter string from an input housekeeping filter | ||
mkhkscr | generate a housekeeping (TSI) filter | ||
mperfits | convert from MPE/MIDAS FITS IMAGE to IRAF image format w/WCS | 3.2.2 |
Package | Task | Description | Section(s) |
xray:xdataio | qp2fits | Convert from PROS QPOE format to BINTABLE FITS Format | 3.6.2 |
qpaddaux | add additional BINTABLEs to existing QPOE file | ||
qpgapmap | calculate the de-gapped HRI coordinates (detx,dety) | ||
rarc2pros | Convert ROSAT archive files to PROS format | 3.3.3 | |
rfits2pros | Convert ROSAT PI data tapes to PROS format | 3.3.1 | |
upimgrdf | convert a list of IRAF/PROS IMAGE files into RDF compatible format | ||
upqpoerdf | convert a list of IRAF/PROS QPOE files into RDF compatible format | ||
xrfits | Read FITS data and convert to IRAF IMAGE or TABLE files | 3.2.2 | |
xwfits | Writes a FITS output file from IRAF IMAGE or TABLE files | 3.6 | |
xray:xdataio:eincdrom | ecd2pros | copy or convert FITS files from the Einstein CD-ROMs | |
ecdinfo | display information about a specific Einstein dataset | ||
eincdpar | edit the eincdrom package wide parameters | ||
eindatademo | demonstration of Einstein IPC unscreened data | ||
xray:xdemo | gspectral | demonstration of spectral functions, with line graphics | |
gtiming | demonstration of timing functions, with line graphics | ||
spatialdemo | demonstration of spatial functions, with line image display | ||
spectraldemo | demonstration of spectral functions, with image display | ||
timingdemo | demonstration of timing functions, with image display |
Package | Task | Description | Section(s) |
xray:ximages | imcalc | Arithmetic operations on image files | 6.7.3 |
imcreate | Create an image from a binary file or a constant value | ||
imcompress | Compress an IRAF image by pixel summation | ||
imnode | Remove node information from IRAF image pixfile pathname | ||
imreplicate | Expand an IRAF image by pixel replication | ||
plcreate | create a pixel list from a region | 6.2.1 | |
pllist | display a pixel list | 6.2.2 | |
qpcopy | copy a qpoe file to another qpoe file | 4.2 | |
qplintran | Apply linear transformation to a QPOE file | 4.7 | |
qplist | list individual photon records in regions and aux. records | 4.3 | |
qprotate | rotate a qpoe file outputting another qpoe file | 4.6 | |
qpshift | Apply linear shift to a QPOE file | 4.5 | |
qpsort | sort a qpoe file | 4.4 | |
qphedit | edit header parameters in qpoe or image file | 2.3.5 | |
xhadd | add x-ray history record to an image or qpoe | ||
xhdisp | display x-ray history records | ||
xray:xplot | imcontour | display a contour map of an image using wcs | 6.4.3 |
pspc_hrcolor | Generate an x-ray color image | 5.10 | |
tabplot | Plot tables, lists or image sections | 5.9 | |
tvimcontour | load an image and overlay a contour map into the display window | 5.5 | |
tvlabel | display an image with a wcs cursor readback in hh:mm:ss, dd:mm:ss | 5.4.1 | |
tvproj | display an image with x and y projections | 5.7 | |
xdisplay | load an xray image into the display window | 5.3 | |
ximtool | invoke SAOIMAGE for use with IRAF/XDISPLAY | ![]() |
xexamine | examine a qpoe using the image display and wcs coordinates | 5.3.10 | |
xray:xspatial | errcreate | generate a PROS error image from data image | |
fixsaoreg | convert an SAOimage region file to PROS physical coords | 5.2.5 | |
imcnts | count photons (w/bkgd subtraction) in regions | 6.2.8,6.3 | |
imdisp | display pixel values in regions | ||
improj | perform rectangular projections on an image | 6.3.5 | |
immodel | create a model array from a source list | 6.8.1 |
Package | Task | Description | Section(s) |
xray:xspatial | imsmooth | smooth an image | 6.4.1 |
isoreg | create region mask by applying intensity levels to image data | 6.2.3 | |
makevig | generate a vignetting mask file from calibration data | | |
rosprf | Build ROSAT point response function | 6.8.2 | |
skypix | process and convert between astronomical coordiante systems | 5.4.2 | |
vigdata | apply vignetting correction to image data | | |
vigmodel | apply vignetting effect to an image model | ||
wcscoords | use WCS to convert between IRAF coordinate systems (logical, physical) | ||
xray:xspatial.detect | bepos | determine the best source position from a rough position list | 6.9 |
bkden | determine the background density of a given region | 6.9 | |
cellmap | block a qpoe file at detect cell size resolution | 6.9 | |
detmkreg | make a region file in logical coords from detect tables | 6.9 | |
lbmap | makes a local background map | 6.9 | |
ldetect | `canned' local detect task | 6.9 | |
lmatchsrc | Match sources between/within different cell sizes | 6.9 | |
lpeaks | determine the rough source positions from a snrmap | 6.9 | |
snrmap | determine the signal-to-noise of a given image | 6.9 | |
xray:xspectral | bal_plot | plot the current BAL histogram (Einstein IPC data only) | |
counts_plot | plot the observed and/or predicted count distributions | 7.8 | |
dofitplot | do fit and then counts_plot | 7.2 | |
fit | find best-fit model values using simplex minimization | 7.7 | |
grid_plot | plot the chisquared grid with contour lines | 7.10 | |
hxflux | compute x-ray flux from ROSAT HRI data | 7.11 | |
intrinsicspecplot | plot the emitted and observed spectrum | ||
pkgpars | spectral package parameter pset | 7.5 | |
qpspec | create spectral data set from a qpoe file | 7.6 | |
search_grid | perform a chisquared grid search | 7.9 | |
show_models | display the current model parameters | ||
singlefit | compare fixed-parameter model with data | ||
xflux | compute x-ray flux from models | 7.11 |
Package | Task | Description | Section(s) |
xray:xtiming | chiplot | plot a chi-squre table (output of period) | 8.9 |
fft | compute Fast Fourier Transform on table or qpoe data | 8.8 | |
fftplot | plot a fft table (output of fft) | 8.8.2 | |
fldplot | plot a fld table (output of fold) | 8.10 | |
fold | fold time data on a period and compute statistics | 8.10 | |
ftpplot | plot a ftp table (output of fft) | 8.8.5 | |
ksplot | Plots result of K-S variability test | 8.11 | |
ltcplot | plot a ltc table (output of ltcurv) | 8.5 | |
ltcurv | compute count rates of binned source and bkgd | 8.5 | |
period | determine the period using epoch folding | 8.9 | |
qpphase | Calculate photon phase for a QPOE | ||
timfilter | write qpoe time interval filters to an ascii file | 8.4 | |
timplot | strip plot of table format data | ||
timprint | display timing table data | 8.6 | |
timsort | create a time-sorted qpoe file for timing analysis | 8.3 | |
vartst | Variability test | 8.11 | |
xray.xtiming.timcor | apply_bary | apply the barycenter time corrections to the time-sorted qpoe file | 8.7.2 |
calc_bary | calculate the barycenter time corrections | 8.7.1 | |
scc_to_utc | convert from ROSAT space-craft clock to UTC | 8.7.3 |